
@damatman: Are you from the future?? :O

@big isy: haha, I was thinking the same thing, woooooo woOOOOOOOOO!

Still Alive...I guess that's it for this weekend.

I feel indifferent. I guess I'm just going to take it as it comes. It is what it is.

The guy has something like 3 different blogs (maybe more?). Which one is it?

I'm playing Bioshock with maryjane.

Anyone with a Nintendo DS should take a good look at Moon. It looks very promising. I'm all about supporting developers who make promising games.

Banjo-Kazooie N&B

Most overrated band in the history of bands. Oasis are crap.

They seem to be telling us that it'll take place above sea level. The logo is drying off. There's a butterfly. The city is emerging from underwater...seems probable.

Played this at PAX. What a horrible, horrible abomination of an experience. Might be ok for kids Age 6 and under, though I'm being nice.

Dude's got a rude awakening coming once reality hits and it's time to move out of mom and dad's house.

I've only ever received games that kick ass. No bad games for me. The last game that was gifted to me was Katamari Damacy. :)

I'm gonna see about finishing all the stages on Pure for my xbox360. It's seriously the best racing game I've played in quite some time. It kills Motorstorm and Mario Kart Wii.

@penetraitor: This was my first thought. They're demons! All of them!

Only thing wrong I see with this game is that...weed's not a drug. ;)

I played this at PAX and let me tell you all now..I cannot...I mean, REALLY, REEEEALLY cannot WARN anyone enough about how craptacular it is. It's the crappiest crap that ever crapped a crap. Ever.

Personally, I'd prefer to think that there won't be just one series or game that defines the PS3. I really hope it gets multiple franchises that make it stand out the way PS2 did. If he's just banking on one game to make the system stand out, that doesn't say much for the future of the PS3.