
No but when you buy it you won’t be able to use it until you connect it to your computer and open iTunes.

Agree. Plus you never really know what someone did in a Jeep. They feel invincible. That was my rational for buying new.

so then how do you explain the 325,000 pre-orders in one week?

Also, that windshield is one of the most expensive in any car. I would love for it to be in the Y/III, but I highly doubt it’ll show up.

good catch

Title should be “Why You Never, Ever Tailgate Another Driver.” The guy behind was being a dick on purpose. The guy ahead probably decided to stay in the left because he saw the car coming off the on-ramp and reasoned that it would be better to stay in the left to pass that guy. Also, he was still going faster than the

There is only one.

I can see losing a jackpot that’s 40 or 50 million. Buy a few big houses, a yacht, etc. and you’re done. But the current lump sum after federal taxes is $524,272,000. Short of buying a country, I don’t know if there’s enough time in most people’s lives to even figure out how to spend all of that.

Greed. Would you rather have $524,272,000 (current lump after fed tax) now or $28,186,667 (first year annuity after fed tax) plus a little more every year for 29 years? Most people want it all now. Also, anyone over, let’s say 50, would probably not be able to enjoy all of it throughout the rest of their life.

Call me niave, but someone WILL win this jackpot. Maybe even more than 1. Yes, it won’t be me, but SOMEONE will. That being said, anytime the lottery gets this big all kinds of articles like this one come out saying you can’t buy happiness, blah blah blah. Yes for some people you can’t buy happiness but you can get

My Volt has a setting for an alarm, similar to a standard car alarm that will go off if you unplug it before unlocking the car. I’m not 100% sure, but I believe the Tesla cars lock the plug to the outlet if you lock your car.

There are thousands of ev charging spots around the country now. A decent amount are free. Some cost money but there are companies that take care of that and it’s so much cheaper than gas. Even with prices being so low. These other fees you talk about are not a thing. I have a volt and a 240v outlet in my garage. I

until they get it into production they have no tesla killer. It looks like they’re trying to build their version of the Roadster, which came out in 2008. It will take Porsche almost 11 years to come up with a reply to the Roadster. Tesla should be releasing the 2nd version of the roadster by the time this finally...if

as a kid watching people play video games was the worst part of video games. I couldn’t wait for them to die so my turn could be up. I don’t understand the trend.

It’s only ludicrous because they pressed the ludicrous button, therefore it had to be ludicrous.

I was in Disney World one week before the selfie stick ban and I have to tell you that I’ve NEVER seen so many people who were completely ok looking like jackasses by using a selfie stick. They were everywhere. Not on rides, but like in the middle of the park. Disney has people every couple hundred feet at all the

agree 1000%. When I was looking at an EV (I eventually purchased a chevy volt, best of both worlds) I noticed Sheetz (a large northeast gas/mto food chain in the northeast) had a DC fast charger located at one of the sheetz nearby. I emailed Sheetz and asked if they planned on adding more to their stores/stations.

a supercharge station can fill up the battery half way in 20 minutes. why do you need 2 overnight stays?

right...but you can't fill up your combustion engine every night at your house.

Best advice ever given to me was from my computer math teacher in college. The last day of class he said, "I hope I taught you something about math while you were here. If not, I hope you at least take this with you. Be a decent fucking human being. You can get far just by doing that." Those words have stayed