
I cannot believe Twitch/Amazon or one of these insanely rich streamers hasn’t hired a lawyer to start a class action suit against the recording industry for violating fair use.

If you’re asked to return all the digital assets for audio and you give them, does that mean you have to delete your copy?  If it wasn't specifically worded that he had to delete them I would say that he had the right to keep them.  That doesn't mean he had the right to upload them.

Who fucking cares anymore about this celebrity bullshit. Can we just accept that these people are human and humans fuck up. Maybe he cheated, maybe she cheated before that. Who gives a fuck, it’s their lives. It should only matter to them.

The internet is the best and worse thing that has happened to our world. Originally the anonymity emboldened people to say things they normally would not say aloud. That same boldness has transferred to these people even after the anonymity has been removed. So we get to see the true face of these idiots and then they

Just have an achievement for completing the game and have Steam reject anyone’s return which has the achievement.

How about this, everybody is terrible. If we were able to hear everyone’s thoughts, we’d have to cancel everyone.

When are people going to realize these social media influencer types are all just playing a character that gets them money.  Maybe this guy believes the things he’s saying, but we don’t live in a socialist dreamland so he can do whatever he wants with all the money idiots give him.

I’m not sure if I like this new world we live in that these asshats are completely comfortable spewing that hate that has been inside them all these years.  On one hand it helps to locate and remove them, but I almost preferred when they hid it and things seemed more peaceful.

Start slideshow... close tab.

Might... lol.  It’s going to struggle any modern game in any resolution that wasn’t standard 15 years ago.

The moral of this story is: Don’t use your work email for personal shit. This is dumb and everyone reading this comment should both stop doing (if you are) and then go and transfer everything out of any personal data that is tied to any work accounts.

My god, a comedian made... jokes?!  The travesty.  And it was at someone’s expense?!  What has this world come to?

I don’t recall saying that it did.

Still waiting for the game this was inspired by.

Uh, this is pretty sad. Bethesda was a huge hit to Sony. This dev doesn’t even make Xbox games. They’ve made almost exclusive Playstation games, with the exception of one Windows game.

You’d think by now people would understand that the only thing the Playstation ever has going for it are exclusives.

“Listen, Bill Cosby didn’t rape me, so clearly he can’t be a rapist.”

When I was a kid, movies and TV shows always seemed to depict that the only time an office could use their weapon is if the assailant had a weapon of their own.

That cop is a piece of shit, but he should have forced his kid to wear a seatbelt.

I remember complaining about this when Steam first launched and nobody seemed to care.  It’s weird to hear it now.