I’m sure that Nintendo gives zero fucks. As far as they are concerned they own the rights to any of their property and if you draw their property it is still theirs. Not sure how this would hold up in court, but I’m sure they don’t care.
I’m sure that Nintendo gives zero fucks. As far as they are concerned they own the rights to any of their property and if you draw their property it is still theirs. Not sure how this would hold up in court, but I’m sure they don’t care.
Yes, super charge our travels... from the living room to the bedroom and back again.
Yes, super charge our travels... from the living room to the bedroom and back again.
First time ever seeing that clip. I dislike it when people use hyperbole, with comedy use as an exception. If that’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen, then she must live the saddest life.
I thought for sure from the still image that she had eyes painted on her eyelids.
I wish they’d just release a more powerful console only version. I don’t care about handheld mode. They could sell it for only $200 and sell an insane amount.
Maybe he painted his TV screen silver?
Because not posting would stop people from taking the two seconds to search on Youtube for it?
I definitely have complaints about the game, but it is still an enjoyable experience, on PC that is.
Trump is going to jump on taking credit for the vaccine the moment it releases and then since it was rushed and not thoroughly tested, it will cause humanities very first zombie outbreak. I knew he’d be the end of the world.
Turns PvP into a different kind of mess than it already was.
I’m pretty sure on the 1040 you can put money towards next years taxes. I doubt he’s filing a 1040 or that he was even telling the truth, but yes, that is a thing.
You know, I wondered what HiRez would do once they ran out of gods to use. This is not what I expected. I at least expected Jesus vs. Muhammad.
Remember when multiplayer games had dedicated server software we could run our own servers or 3rd party companies could run servers?
There needs to be a separate government organization that investigates and prosecutes police. Handing the case over the district attorney that these police have to work with every day seems like a massive conflict of interest.
Remember, prior to 2016, when people were ashamed of their racism and kept it to themselves. I wonder what changed that made them think that this behavior was acceptable?
I think the average person would see a crowd blocking the road and go another way. They wouldn’t have driven close enough to the crowd to find out.
Because BBQ aficionados care more about the time to cook something than how it tastes... GTFO of here with that bland albino broccoli.
With all the animated shows replacing the actors playing black characters so that black actors play those characters, are we to the point where only black people can play black mmo characters?
Well, Youtube gaming streaming already died. This is just regular Youtube streaming, which isn’t going anywhere.
Honestly, it looked like they were the rude people in the beginning of the video. It seemed like the white lady bumped into one of them and apologized and then they started giving her shit. Had she just got into her car and left immediately, I think this video would have gone nowhere. I hope there’s some sort of…