The closest word in English is gift. Have fun pronouncing it jift.
The closest word in English is gift. Have fun pronouncing it jift.
See before companies figured out they could do microtransactions or quick simple dlc to milk their players, they just sold as many copies of the game as they could. The more they keep adding the more people buy the game. Maybe at some point they’ll come up with an idea that’s big enough to warrant a paid expansion.
I have the originals and have had them registered in my account since the day they allowed you to register old games. I didn’t get it for free. Is there some sort of magic you need to do to get it?
The price they were charging seemed a bit outrageous. They should have an upgrade cost for the people that own the originals.
So did they abandon the MMO parts of the game and just make it a coop game?
I feel like retro shooters are for people who either pine for the days of yore, or people who wish they were old enough to have been into those games.
The game feels empty. I wish they’d make a World of Diablo MMO. I would kill for that.
Did you say... Bizarro Hanks?!
Uh, if you don’t understand how this game evolved from that game, then the irony of your statement will have gone over your head. Good luck with that.
I would have just said the game takes place in world where all the women had died and men fought constant wars. There, no women, no controversy. If you don’t like it don’t buy the game. I’m not. Who really cares about another DayZ descendant.
The Switch is definitely not ripping off the Playstation Vita, it’s handheld console that plays video games.
Why does it come with the Xbox One S and the other is the PS4 Pro. Why not the X?
I started TW1 a couple years ago so I could play 2 and 3. I just beat 1 a few days ago. The game is practically unplayable. I ended up using several mods to make it more playable so I could cruise through it and get to the sequels.
Is what we’re all thinking that we’ve gone deaf. Can’t hear a single word out of that video.
I’d like to see the statistics on gender and age as it pertains to dollars spent per year on video games. I’m curious what combination spends the most.
There’s no reason for them to spend the money on a new cpu when they can get the older one cheaper. They’ll come out with a Switch Pro with the newer gen cpu when the new Xbox and Playstation are nearer.
Ahsoka Tano had green and then later white sabers.
The yellow saber was the best part of that movie. One of the things that’s annoyed me this whole trilogy. She keeps working for Anakins lighsaber, but Jedi usually learn how to make their own sabers. That’s what it was, hers.
They needed to write out this trilogy before they ever started filming Episode 7. Handing off the movie to someone else for Episode 8 caused this whole mess.
I feel like after Episode 7, JJ Abrams handed Rian Johnson an outline for Episode 8/9 and Rian looked at it and said “Fuck you, JJ. I’ll make my own damn story.” After the fan backlash to the Episode 8 and Disney asking JJ to come back for 9, he decided to just take his outline for 8 and integrate what he could to 9…