
Controller movement is inferior to mouse and keyboard. That’s why a lot of games give user some sort of auto aim when using a controller.

Daenerys kills Jon.  Arya kills Daenerys.  The Waif returns and kills Arya. Sansa and Tyrion who are still technically married dig the iron throne from the rubble and take over.

Don’t do anything.  Everything was invented by humans and we’re all evil.

Both refusing to change teams... doesn’t look good for this relationship.

Excellent plan. Add content that gets remaining player base to keep playing. Remove it. Lose remaining player base.

Feel free to take an economics class and get back to us.

I don’t think for one second that this guy cares about other developers share. He’ll consider putting Epic games on Steam... for approximately 2 seconds and then decline.

Salt and Smoke in St. Louis has the best Mac and Cheese.  I make it using the recipe below and my family loves it.

I mean it is a Tom Clancy game.

You’re still gaining 4 ports not 3.  You’re only losing one port from the router and then you end up with 4 on the switch.

You’re still gaining 4 ports not 3.  You’re only losing one port from the router and then you end up with 4 on the

lel, you think pubg invented BR.

I love how the gaming industry has gone from following genre trends to just following minor feature trends.  This is so pathetic.

Last time I tried to get this game modded to run on modern systems I was unable to get it to not crash immediately.  I really want to replay it.

I thought this article was going to have suggestions for cables, like brand for quality, but this was an article about which connection type to use.  Might want to change the title.

I thought this article was going to have suggestions for cables, like brand for quality, but this was an article

If you’re drowning in SHD tech, you probably haven’t bought all your skills.

Anime sucks.  I think he’s just jealous of how well American films do.

I don’t disagree.  Let us have our shit, but living longer doesn’t mean you live better longer.  There was a study out recently that said that we are living longer, but we feel worse earlier on.  Probably related to our diets.  That said, give me my god damned Mt. Dew.

“you have fresh sheets every day”

Red vines taste like you’re eating a fucking candle. Twizzlers do not. That is why they are superior.

I agree with the last guy. Tesla really did force the other auto manufacturers to take electric vehicles seriously. We owe them that.