
That’s definitely white privilege. Were they black, the cops would have just shot them.

I doubt your husband would have kneeled if you were white. Clearly you’ve had a big influence on him. If you were white that influence wouldn’t have been in the same direction.

That was when the show was based off the books. Now that the show is off on it’s own, it’s been far more typical TV.

Hey, could you fucking not put a god damn spoiler in the fucking title of the article?

Wow, I’m just now hearing Merkel labeled as the Leader of the Free World. I knew Trump was a huge fuck up, I didn’t realize he was the first president to lose the title.

You can get sued for anything. Whether they’ll win or not, that’s another story.

Clearly the sequel will be called “Precipice”

Honestly, Aura or Sparks. The other two suck.

Brink sucked. Splash Damage’s f2p game currently on Steam, Dirty Bomb, is far superior.

This is the first time I’ve had SLI and I haven’t had to any fiddling, not until this game.

Yeah, that is not fixed. I have a 144HZ Gsync monitor. I don’t want Vsync or 60fps. That sounds horrific.

This game work well with SLI yet? I bought it when it was on sale during the christmas steam sale and it wouldn’t run properly in SLI.

So we’re talking about a feature that’s in all modern Diablo style games? So innovative!

Labeling someone a cheater because they have better hardware than you is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.

Am I the only one uninterested in this game? Since DayZ there’s been a steady evolution of this game. Except instead of only owning one game you have to keep buying the new evolutions. In my head it goes something like this DayZ > Rust > H1Z1 > PUBG. I’m sure there are more and it’s more complex than a straight line.

You two both sound like awful DMs. Let’s play a game of imagination, where you can do anything. Except that, or that, or that...

I’m pretty sure none of those chairs are worth their money. If you sit all day at home or work, don’t buy a shitty chair.

I’m pretty sure none of those chairs are worth their money. If you sit all day at home or work, don’t buy a shitty

Wasn’t it $20 around Christmas time?

Wasn’t it $20 around Christmas time?

CoD stole prop hunt? Man, that’s far and away my favorite TF2 mod.

He’s probably made millions. So uh, bad advice. You can quit any time you want. He could probably retire or just switch to other games. He’s already built up a decent following.