
They’d sell me if they released a PC version.

Last years was so shitty. Not a damn thing worth buying.

Last years was so shitty. Not a damn thing worth buying.

People are impatient in the game. They don’t want to carry some low level through a mission. You’re also skipping a bunch of content the rest of the players worked through to do this new content.

Underground was such a terrible idea. Let’s take the skyscrapers and ignore all that and go into the sewers. They needed to add more shit in skyscrapers. Visit like an incursion where you have to start at the first floor and make your way to the top.

More importantly, where do I get a nice high res version of that picture you used for the title image.

I bet this completely started because they wanted the upgrade process to be as simple and painless as possible.

No mention of a PC version? Fucking Microsoft.

They gotta dump their stock before new Macbooks come out in the fall and make these ones look like a pile of shit.

They gotta dump their stock before new Macbooks come out in the fall and make these ones look like a pile of shit.

I would love nothing more than a good sequel, even a spiritual one, to NWN. Divinity: Original Sin was amazing and was about as close as we’ve had in a long time. I was hoping Neverwinter Online was going to be closer to NWN, but it was not.

Why would you advertise this game and not put a link up?

It can be done... because it was done. They won’t do it because they don’t see it being profitable and it could be detrimental to newer expansion sales.

Tried this game once. They kind of throw you in without a great explenation of how to navigate the interface/world.

You know this game is going to be a pile of shit. The easiest way to tell a game is going to be awful is if greenmangaming is spamming discounts every week before it releases. Which it has been for Doom. This is just the final nail.

The Vive seems to be the better choice anyways. It’s disappointing really. I wanted the rift to be great, but they took their time and waited til competitors had caught up to them.

This bug has been in the game since at least launch. At least 80% of all the asshole that have ganged me in the dark zone are using that glitch.

DM Brandon is an asshole, but he’s not wrong. Suicide is a very selfish thing.

You could easily have a full set of gear from the incursion by now, without exploiting. It's not that hard, especially if you have a full team of players. It's just so boring. Did it once and I have so little interest in doing it again. They're so focused on stopping the exploits that they haven't stopped to take a

Hard difficulty isn’t really end game. Challenge modes are.

I’d blame Ubisoft more than Steam.

Some game devs would argue that the word of mouth they get from the pirates make up for the piracy itself. I know when I was younger and pirated games I would tell my friends about games I was playing and they’d go out and buy them.