
The bar has been set. There is no plot in the game.

From the article: “The Witness is a largely abstract game, though it does have a story of sorts.”

Well comparing to a very similar game, Myst, had plenty of story to go with all the puzzles and walking.

I have to agree with people complaining about the price. It’s basically $40 for what a $1 puzzle game on your phone can do + a walking simulator.

This is the first game where my computer has the recommended graphics card. For 1440p they recommend a 980TI. I hope that means I can run it at ultra settings.

On a related note, I’m in the middle of Dragon Age 2, which I avoided for years because of how badly everyone was saying it was. I’m mostly playing to get through so I can play Inquisition.

I love this movie, but I think you need to rewatch Shaun of the Dead. It has a lot of the same qualities that Hot Fuzz does. They are both masterpieces.

How does somebody get brain damage from a fictitious fight? They screw up their choreography?

Single player?

What sort of multiplayer will this have? It’s just a platformer, right? Co-Op?

Some of the jokes are just similar, but the slap chef is straight up stolen. It could have been one of her shows writers.

Except one is a competitive game and the other is co-op.

I will never understand how companies can fuck this up. You develop it on a PC, how hard is it to not fuck it up?

You have an definition of the word “wildly”. They changed the game slightly. In the end the game doesn’t change much.

This happened when I was new at a company 4 years ago. The guy sent an email complaining he didn’t know the password to log onto our helpdesk ticket site. So he decides to send an email to anyone with IT or Tech Support in their title and and distribution lists that had any of those words. The best part of it was his

This game is so boring. Every new content patch is just the same thing in a different package. Run through a zone, kill dude, collect loot. It’s just repeating content until you get a slightly better item.

This has got to be the only case where Obisidian made a sequel to someone elses game and didn’t completely fuck it up.

Apparently people care this much about mobile games.

Right. I always forget about those trap doors installed in buildings.

So the floors in this game are literally paper thin?