I think that if you can’t clearly say yes, then it has to be no.
I think that if you can’t clearly say yes, then it has to be no.
Ugh, is another hardware platform creating their own game store in hopes of being successful? Did they not learn from the Ouya?
What was the deal with the trading cards this time around? You couldn’t craft badges from them so they just sat in your inventory until the end of the sale and then disappeared. Why have them at all?
It is flawed.
It doesn’t make any sense to do so. If you take the lump sum and invest it you’ll end up making more money than you would have if you took the annuity payments.
It’s a flawed metaphor, hence me pointing out the flaw. I actually don’t use Tumblr, thanks.
This game is the worst example of a free to play game. Nobody should be giving Bioware any money for this pile of shit. No free to play game has gone to such lengths to annoy you into paying. Now they’re straight up not giving you access to content unless you pay. Even worse, they don’t let you buy the content, you…
Sure, that’s not an over exageration and doesn’t belittle alcholism at all.
The beta is an excellent representation of what the final game is going to be. You think the game is going to drastically change from beta to release? Most games do the public beta a month or two before release. My statement stands.
Maybe you should actually read the whole comment and not just the first two words. That third word for instance is very powerful in changing the course of the sentence.
Since iTunes got rid of DRM you’d think they’d let you manually manage your music and loosen their stranglehold. This is one of the primary reasons I miss having an Android phone.
Cool, what does the K stand for?
I would totally buy electric. It’s not about gas prices, it’s about the price of the car. Once they start getting electric cars down to the economy car costs then you’ll see them sell like crazy.
I don’t think Palmer Luckey is ever going to live down saying and I quote “If something’s even $600, it doesn’t matter how good it is, how great of an experience it is — if they just can’t afford it, then it really might as well not exist.”
The wierd Japanese subsegment of this site is getting less and less rellevant. Now you’re just posting photos of Japan with no gaming relevance?
It’s actually great advice.
I’m just trying to balance it out.
Always Preorder... if it gets you into the beta. Then if the beta sucks, cancel the preorder.
Greenmangaming has been selling it at that price for a long while now. It was there holiday sale and then the year end sale and on sale again now for that price. For PC of course.
Greenmangaming has been selling it at that price for a long while now. It was there holiday sale and then the year…
My main concern about the inevitable switch to electric are standards. Particularly to how they charge. I imagine the charging port on a Tesla is going to be different than the Chevy. Imagine if different car manufacturers had different ports for traditional gasoline engines. Each gas station would have different…