
To be honest they’re both pieces of shit. Mayweather is a serial abuser and McGregor is a racist leprechaun. I hate them both, buuuuut Mayweather is less racist and more abuser when McGregor is probably abusive as fuck, a racist, a bigot and so much more. Neither of these monsters are decent human beings so root for

I think Kotaku hailed this game on mobile as something special. It comes to a AAA console and it is a “dreamcast port”. This is why you should actually review the game instead of talking shit. Kotaku is really lesser than the sum of its parts. This gamer culture being created here is uneven at best and really fucking

To say you’re furious over a videogame that isn’t real life is kind of preposterous. It’s like turn it off dude, your emotions shouldn’t be controlled by something that isn’t real. Go outside and fuckin’ breathe some air.

This is what Dion DIDN’T want to happen. Dion likes the old money not the young money! Damn youngsters and your advertisements and saggy pants!

They did in Nickelodeon Magazine. I used to have that issue but oddly enough we were too poor to actually make it.

It’s really not that bad. Zelda is the only game that made it slightly warm. Everything else has been pretty cool. That’s also after hours of play too mind you.

Maybe, using say? Business calculus or some other math (mostly calculus/algebra) you could model how much money they would make off of switch VC releases, present it to them and be the savior that nintendo never knew they needed. You could get a top 100 release list and aggregate review scores and plant arbitrary

The off screen gameplay is really the feature I liked most on the wii u. I immediately traded the wii u and xbox one in as soon as I knew there were pre orders. The switch takes the offscreen gameplay to the next level. This is the first launch console I’ve bought that I really haven’t regretted. Nintendo is on the

I really think VR is a novelty. I also think wearing a headset to play a videogame leaves you open to attack. AR is the real future in my opinion. The effect with gaming still makes you look hella weird but less prone to attack.

They should’ve went back to the original, that’s what’s cool now right? I’m cool, right?

I get first dibs mine was 2011.

When I figure out how to time travel and prevent my dad’s suicide we’ll play together and cream you and your dad.

Come at me bro/bro-ette!

I’d rather play a real SMT game than the persona series....

It’s shooting the bird you dungo!

Fuckin’ paid DLC AMIRITE?!

It does get pretty warm but not nearly as bad as an ipad playing something crazy...gets better battery life to boot bahahahah

Eh battery life is close to the new 3ds imo. The games just look impossibly better on the switch. Battery life when playing zelda is surprisingly good, i beat 90% of my run in handheld mode and finished the last 10% on dock. So don’t wait if there’s stuff you wanna play. Don’t get mr. Shifty though, kotaku made a bad,

So if I was going to buy Prey based off IGN’s score then I wouldn’t since it was/is technically broken. I think the 4 lures in a reader and the reasoning is just. And it’s not like the developer can’t fix things. You guys rarely if ever go back to your numberless reviews to add addendums when patches or major content

Eh, any sane grown up wouldn’t do what he does.