
Me three buddy, me three.

Let the record show that Piggy Smalls cannot be “breakfast”. This pig is a hero and the pig America deserves. He needs some sort of high honor and to be pardoned by the president.

There’s no way games are that expensive. I’d fuckin quit or make my own if they were like that here.

I really don’t see that happening. It’s produce it America and charge a higher price or produce it China and charge a higher price. And with Trump deregulating businesses we run the same risks of harm to our people if production does start to happen. So I dunno, Americans really hate back breaking work that foreigners

As a reader FOR 10 years plus it’s super damn annoying to hear people complain when Gizmodo is covering technology and gadgets and the future and now all of it is tied into politics, they wouldn’t be doing there jobs without it.

That’s reasonable, i guess I just don’t see why it couldn’t happen, it’s more like bethesda doesn’t want to. But again, it would make more sense once we see the performance of skyrim for sure since they aren’t that far removed from each other. Although I do understand that fallout has a metric ton more going on and

To be honest I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas but 4 didn’t get that itch, it looks really plastic-y and I think skyrim looks more detailed and has better fidelity. Fallout 4 also seems really stiff and has long load times. So these are all thibgs I think could be crammed onto the switch otherwise I really don’t think

Lol who will literally get them killed. Congratulations to these military fucks, you played yourselves.

It’s not a terrubly long single player campaign and wraps up quite quickly once you reach the later half. I have very limited time and I played it from october to december. The load times are killer and I played it on xbox one but I also noticed that most next gen games are like that, it got to the point where I got

It’s unconstitutional but would be more symbolic than anything. It’s also a way to give some negotiation leverage if it has to come to that. I would however say that we could definitely still leave even if the federal govt. Doesnt recognize it. We just stop paying federal taxes increase the state tax and voila we have

I personally think it’s a catch all for anything that is related to or could possibly be related to ancient reptiles and then gets promptly changed when these amazing scientists find out more.

Letting it go is a slippery slope. Everything the president does while being president should be public record. You let them get away with one spelling error and it gives them precedent to delete history.

The HD version on wii U is probably one of the most gorgeous games of the last two generation. Nothing on ps4 or Xbox one compared to its beauty

Why not? It’s gorgeous!

But when they announce it, it will be.

If this comes out for the switch then I guess I’ll be spoiled otherwise I don’t have anything to play it on. The demo was hella ominous tho.

Talk about run-ons! Also most companies have a contractual clause that says “what you make here is ours.” I’ve signed so many of those, apple does it on the retail level and to think that zenimax wouldn’t do that with carmack is laughable.

Is it still coming? Nintendo hasn’t been so transparent about the dual release. I just know it’s for sure coming to the switch, it would be cool to see a twilight princess happen again (dual release) but I hope breath of the wild is better.

I feel like, and I’m probably wrong since I ain’t no law man, Zenimax might have this in the bag because of Carmack, the timeline is also suspicious as well. So yeah, stick it to ‘em Zenimax.

I’m curious if they were playing a gold master demo or just a more current demo? They still have a month and I don’t believe nintendo announces going gold as much as third parties do. Also, day one performance patches are a thing and I’m sure nintendo will have one for this. Last, these guys didn’t have much to really