
Isn’t a couple billion over budget? It’s at the point that if they scrapped it, it’d be an even bigger blunder. Even though it’s a pretty big blunder

It really does man. But I’m also in school, trying to provide for my fam and raise a fam myself. So in reality I dont have time to really mess around even if I wanted to... :(

I dunno dude, my 3ds library is ridiculous and I have spent a lot but most of the games were sales. I got smash for like 23 bones, both 64 zeldas for $30 total. Not bad, they do well for the random holidays

What does this statement mean? Like who’s gonna be “relatable” to millions of poor people? Like some rando who isn’t rich is gonna run on ANY presidential ticket? It makes no sense. Bernie had good ideas but the guy is as insulated as hilary any day. Even Jill Stein is raking in some dough to run about on the green

Harding was a pretty big piece of shit. Actually both his and Trump’s styles are starting to intersect in a lot of ways.

Nah they just aren’t as riveting as Mein Kampf, or in the style of great fascist leader speeches.

I’d imagine you’d still have to be handy to maintain them, the price of entry is still pretty high I think. But I think anything over $250 is prohibitively priced for me lol

Shrooms’ll do that to ya

But it has been tested time and time again. And the experiment has failed time and time again. The invisible hand literally makes this a reality. Read a college level history book and gain some more perspective, I would give a focus on the labor movement and how much “monopolistic congolmerates” have screwed over

That’s an advantage of buying apple, at least you can go to a store or even send it in free of charge. I buy android and everytime it’s like jumping through like ten rings of fire just to get some help. I’m going with apple once I’m done with this lease for sure.

What position at capcom do you work for!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I’m very excited about this, it’s good to know xbox users will get to play this finally. It sounds scary and I dont even care if i ruined the whole thing for myself reading all these articles lol.

It’s really unfortunate what happened there but I think it’s deserved given that two of their most prolific designers have left the company to pursue independent avenues (likely due to lack of freedom). So yeah, it breaks my heart that silent hill and castlevania and metal gear (which im not a HUGE fan of) are all

More like the second cumming amirite?