
I always like to point out articles like this to libertarians and Republican types who claim that we don’t need to regulate business because the free market will prevent stuff like this. How did that work out for all those people who developed cancer?

JLD for prez

See, now I’ve gone from, “eh, I’m neither here nor there on Jennifer Aniston, she’s fine,” to “she believes in ghosts/consulted a medium? She’s an idiot.”

We are the shithole country. This is SHAMEFUL.

This fucking place! We are definitely the baddies.

Oh, fuck you.

What beliefs though?

He shouldn’t work in any school, religious or not. He’s just as likely to be teaching trans kids in religious schools as he is in non-religious kids. It’s probably marginally easier for trans kids to be out in public schools, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist in religious schools.

Also, to the dumbass trolls telling me to leave the country if I don’t like it... I already left America 😂😂😂

America continues to be a centuries long garbage fire.

My teenage son, no matter how many times I make him shower and put on deodorant, always has a sweaty-foot-funk that permeates his whole room. When he opens his door it wafts into the hall and you can smell it when you walk through the front door.

French fries pigeons refused to eat in NYC.

Velveeta and farts. He’s human dickcheese.

What’s even worse is that they basically want to cast people who will give them free marketing through social media content. Lazy and cheap.

It’s so sick. It’s been true for models for awhile now as well as creatives in so many fields. Your social media presence and appeal is considered as if not more important than your necessary skillset.

This village embodies what, I believe, men fear at the most deep, existential level: a society in which they’re unnecessary.

Given the nature of the internet, the commentariat should have known that no one is allowed nuance when criticizing anything.

I would argue, respectfully, that the self-aggrandizing myths men tell each other—which are then accepted uncritically and enshrined in, say, the press as a matter of record—are among the most common ways men (and yes, people) consolidate their interests and protect each other, whether they know exactly what they’re

Its weird, because i feel like i understand women better by having a mother.

Mom’s are cool because they’re women and not little girls, so they’re better at teaching you stuff.