
All you need is a sack, a few bricks and a canal.

Actors are trained, have talent and are versatile. Millennial vanity is purile, pointless and utterly about avoiding responsibility and hard work in favour of preening, vapid fake idolisation. 

Fucking Breeders.

That’s not disciplining a child that you can’t use rational argument and words with. That’s just abuse.

YES. And then the lazy, useless, pathetic parents. 


Children don’t have the mental capacity for reason, logic or empathy.

Your country needs a cull. Start with Florida, other than orange juice does anything fucking useful come out of there or are they all fucking republican retards and jerry springer rejects?

Funny, I agree with you, but then why is it ok and right for other non-white, non-secular people to leave their countries for very similar reasons and move to the west and demand entry and support?

FFS, you millennials will do anything to see offence anywhere won’t you?

Is my beloved Sandy-B FINALLY playing gay? Only to have her wife/girlfriend killed off within 5 mins???

/sigh, when will you bloggers get over it. Racism isn’t the reason - you answered it with your first thought - the 2nd season sucked - it wasn’t that good. The character isn’t that interesting.


Use the 2nd amendment for what it was for, or stop all the complaining. 

And they humans are the smartest animals...

Can you imagine what 6 m0re years of this is going to be like? Will life on the planet still exist above cockroach levels?


You’re crazy! Why stop ever? Why not have your 18yr old, who’s drinking, having sex, smoking and partying, still popping over for a top up every morning? It’s all about YOUR need; you can bond and spend quality rime without breastfeeding a child ffs. 

You breastfeed a BABY; when it stops being a BABY I.e. infant, then you STOP BREASTFEEDING.

One factual and offensive thing about this story; you and your kind on these sites think you’re actual ‘journalists”. You are bloggers, and poor ones at that.