
Definitely ... I think my problem with that analogy is the original poster said (and I'm paraphrasing) that it was not reasonable to ask an associate what happened to the stock.

If all Apple products disappeared and a sign was standing there that said, "New things are coming," then it would be reasonable to ask an

That's the first thing that crossed my mind. You're drinking on a gifted kidney, you raving douche canoe! I have a degenerative kidney disease ... and dialysis and (hopefully) transplant is in my future. It makes me irrationally angry to see someone ABUSE a gift that so many people desperately need. Given that

No, with all due respect, I think it's completely ridiculous. And the analogy they used was perfect: Would they do this with regular-sized clothing? Would they just remove an ENTIRE department and put up signs saying, "You are gonna SHIT yourself how wonderful clothes are gonna be in about a month or two or so!"

Where I live, there's a restaurant that serves a sugar/cinnamon tortilla with apple pie filling on it ... then shredded cheese sprinkled on top ... all melted and crispy and gooey. It is HEAVEN, I tell you ... apples and cheese are heaven.

I love eating with my hands. I like to pick at things ... and somehow, eating with my hands just makes me more relaxed and happy. It's not like I'm a savage ... I'm very neat. But unless it's spaghetti or something that requires utensils, if using my hands.

You are SO right. Jason Isbell is AMAZING. We saw him a few months ago ... and hearing Elephant in concert is enough to make you want to cry and never stop.

We're going to see DBT in St. Louis in a month ... and we just saw Jason Isbell up in Bloomington a few months ago. Really, REALLY great shows both of them. Seeing Elephant in concert made me tear up ... seriously.

I'm 100% with this. When my family suggests someone bring a "salad" ... they're talking about some kind of jello with tiny marshmallows and pineapple bits or mandarin oranges. There's another one with pistachio pudding and cool whip and something else? Pineapple maybe? But yes ... salad does not mean greens or

I was wondering that as well. I've read articles about him smiling or people seeing single tears ... how are you seeing this through a paper bag???


I'm SO sorry you went through this too! The doctor in the ER in Florida said, "This is probably just vertigo. She is WAY too young to have a stroke ... she doesn't smoke, isn't on the pill ... there's no WAY it's a stroke. But we're going to run scans just to be sure. At that point, I was having to lay there with

I'm SO sorry. I walked away from the situation very cynical of the medical profession. If I'd gone to the ER with the vertigo and headaches, yes ... I believe they would've done a CT/MRI. But I went to my family doctor ... twice. The first time he told me it was simply vertigo ... the same as my mother and my

Back in 2011, I started having headaches and vertigo. I was responsible about it. I went to the doctor and told them what was going on. Vertigo runs in the women in my family. My mother and her sister both have terrible spells. The doctor said the headaches were migraines and gave me medicine and gave me a script

Yeah ... the last time Vince pulled the "I need space" thing, I met someone and ended up getting married way (WAY) too quickly. Honestly, two years of "I want you/I don't want you" played a number on my head ... so when I guy came along and said, "I want to marry you NOW!" I missed all the red flags that should've

Holy crap. You have my sympathy. That's like ... I don't know ... like him gaslighting you. Moving someone in who is pregnant and just ... not ... telling ... you. BIZARRE! And horrible ... what an ass.

Mine's name is Vince. We just ... clicked. I honestly remember driving back from his apartment after our second date and having this moment ... and thinking, "I'm going to marry this man." Six weeks later he dumped me and said he needed space. A month later he called and wanted to go to dinner because "I can't

I waited with baited breath for Monday morning to hear Kevin and Ralph's take on Beiber's antics. Seriously ... they could the whole show on him at this point! I love, love, love HBO ...

I was JUST coming here to say that. Every time anyone mentions it ... anytime they post a picture ... it's always the one of her kissing Britney. What about Christina??? It's like it never happened ... I'm starting to think I imagined it.

Me too! I love love love night showers. I feel relaxed and fresh. I get into clean jammies and the sheets feel cleaner! In my case, my hair takes a little while to dry, so if I'm going to lay on the bed, I'll put a towel over the pillow so it doesn't get wet ... but it doesn't matter. I *cannot* function with

I've shared this story before but it's worth telling again ...

A couple years ago, my ex-husband got a fortune cookie that said (no lie) ... "Things are about to get worse. Think on what you've done." He was LIVID. I couldn't understand why he had such a visceral reaction to something as SILLY as a fortune cookie.