
I haven't watched Fringe since the first season (don't ask why I came to this thread today, it's a loooooong story) ... but in any case ..

I remember back when we used to leave the house ... and were UNAVAILABLE. Back when we didn't carry phones with us that required us to be in contact 24/7 ... back when we'd come home from being out and check the machine for messages. (sigh) Some parts of those times didn't suck ... at all ...

Well, just my opinion ... but here's the problem ... if you believe the paparazzi, this is pretty consistant. This isn't just a "we hung out late with the fam" kind of thing ... this is a "we are stars who like to eat at restaurants at 10 o'clock thing. That's perfectly acceptable for adults ... but a child with

Alienwares M17X starts at around $1,500 ... that's just bare bones basic ... include 3D with the basics and you're up to $2k ... once you start adding on additional memory, better sound and video cards, and all the 'fixins', you could be pretty close to $6k. Now why a homeless "drifter" needs a $6k Alienwares laptop

My favorite was Malibu Barbie ... she had that creepy permanent tan and blonde hair literally down to her ankles. There has been no Barbie made before or after that had less of a connection to a real woman ... and yet ... I loved her so much.

Just having the attitude that you already have will help ... yes, your child probably will end up owning a Barbie doll whether it's through your hands or their grandparents or their friends ... however, you're already planning on teaching your daughter about healthy body image ... so she'll get that the doll isn't a

Love it ! Lemme know how you get your ponies to have those stumpy little legs ... I loved that about My Little Ponies, how their legs came down to these tree trunk stumps ...

Amen ... I was really into it until the 90 seconds of "BOOM you're dead" ... "BOOM you're dead" ... "BOOM you're dead" ... Yeah, we get it. We watched the series and we know there are a lot of people getting shot in the head.

Yeah, the DCD explosion left a lot to be desired ... but I was already crying because of the "I won't leave you" scene ... so, yeah ... it was tolerable. I can't wait for Season 2 ...

... on a completely unrelated note, you know that woman in the Pepsi Throwback ad directly above the comment section? Why is she crushing the can? Dear Corporate Masters, if you're going to use Photoshop, try not to make it look as if the model is using the kung fu grip on your product.

I don't think it's photoshopped ... I just think it's a bad angle. Look at the lighting on her left thigh. I think the light was shining from behind and "washed out" the inside of her left leg. There are too many other photos of this woman that show her looking thin ... but not unhealthy. It's getting to the

Our daughter is getting married next April ... she'll be 25 ... and I am shocked at the constant stream of baby comments! "When are they having babies ... are they working on having babies ... aren't you excited about babies ..." I mean from everybody ... WTF? The dress is bought, the reception hall is booked, the

I saw that and thought the exact same thing! If their second son is named Jasper, we'll know for sure ...

Don't you mean Jimmy Carter ... I mean, I know Bobby Hill was confused, but Jimmy did win a nobel peace prize ...

I know, right? My first thought is ... this sounds exactly like something I would've done back in high school ... then my second thought is, if Charlie Sheen rang my phone I would be pissing myself. It's fun to poke the bear ... but when the bear turns around and stares at you? Aw man, I'd have shit myself. LOL

You know what? Let's do away with this whole door-to-door bullshit. It's not safe ... and the whole cookie sale thing is weighted towards parents who take the order form to large offices. Rural kids can't begin to sell the hundreds of boxes that city kids do ... it's a racket.

@sonny001: See, that's always been my thought too ... what are archaeologists going to find of ours 1,000 years from now and totally misunderstand? "Thank you, members of the press. We've called you together to announce we've found evidence of an ancient religion over a thousand years old. Apparently our ancestors

@Madfall: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction ..

I bet money the Zohan is behind this ...

@A.Franklin: Please oh please oh PLEASE let this be the case!