
You are right that complacency is a killer of companies. All I am saying is Apple haven`t been anything near complacent the last decade since Steve returned. What happens now is anyone`s guess, but this Steve have foreseen as well. Apple have studied themselves for years now and have written every major or minor

Rimm peaked in 2008 at 144 dollars a share, now it`s 16 dollars a share with market cap at 10 billion. It is nowhere near Apple. With 100 billion dollars, Apple could start a back up company (Apple II) or 10 RIM companies.

RIM is not Apple. RIM never became the largest tech company in the world. It would have to be a 100 billion screw up before Apple goes down. Not even RIM could fuck up that much.

If you can`t make a better product, use defamation, slander and rhetoric. Also, it satisfies the weak minded and makes you money.

Tim Cook IS good with money. I am sure they have discussed this with the government.

Nobody customizes a hammer....expensive or not.

Ignoring competition comes in degrees. Ìt`s not like black and white ; either you ignore or you don`t.

They are just being polite. Secretly they snicker behind your back.

We will have 3D printers so we can go back to the stone age and print carved out tablets.

Only wise men focus on what they do, like making great products. Let the competition worry about the competition.

It`s only hubris if it is not true. Then it is just stating a fact. When did it become ugly to say it like it is?


I feel it too. :)

Apple should buy the moon and turn it into a big screen and have movie night, every night. And the occasional Apple advertisement. That`s marketing!

Apple is a company.

The answer to these problems is more technology. Bio/fuel tech or robotic technology. Nano tech etc.

Making 45B dollars in revenue a quarter is exactly the definition of what a bubble is`nt.

People have been giving to charity for ages and it has changed jack shit. Apple have changed the world eight times now. Focus. Some focus on charity and some, like Steve and Apple focus on other ways. And he probably still have managed to give more to charity than you have made your entire life.

Some things take time, no matter how much money you have. Investing in American structure is not viable. The chinese have been doing this for decades in the tech sector and you can`t expect America to catch up anytime soon or ever will. No company is gonna risk their business, especially when it is bound to fail.

I am sure too.