
Which is why iphone is the better choice. No lottery here.

Dr. Frankenstein did this long time a go. This is a good substitute for viagra though.

I would`nt want to be in a bathroom that revolves.

Where is the bathroom?

Not me. Social scientists have come up with this number. Most people are not happier if they earn above 60,000 dollars. This is not about you only.

I did`nt say we need innocent people to die?!

The system in this world. With technology, we do have a say. Call it what ever you want but people should have what they need.

This is happening right now through technology. Energy will be free.

With the help of technology you can achieve peace. If people were taught in schools that we are like cells in the same body, no one would harm each other. Would you damage another part of your own body? If people knew this they would`nt. You don`t believe in people cause you see them as not a part of you or you of

Here, in Scandinavia, pretty much everyone gets what they need( we are millions up here).

Money is not the core of the system, people is.

Money is really not necessary. It is fiction that people believe in. When you stop believing it money will not exist. Why do a CEO deserve more than a mother with 5 kids? He works more? no

Apple does.

There is also a lot of profit from likes of itunes, ipods etc.

yes, with a parachute or an umbrella.

Eight years of Bush made this mess. I am sure republicans have most of the blame. Just look at the financial charts during different presidencies.

The video you linked to was nothing but a brainwash piece. Everything taken out of context and overdubbed. A pretty sickening piece of work.

From the day he was inaugurated Apple stock has more than tripled. He is in the midst of doing it!

Folks. They have already made the tv. It`s called an ipad. The question is if they will make it bigger.

I thought it was just a toy! This can`t be right.