
It`s a good term. Makes technology more connected to biology.

People understand this word. Why not use it?

They invented the term retina display.....everyone "just gets it".

What he probably means is it works 99.9% of the time. No product works 100% percent of the time.

Sounds like you have something up yours. Better get an x-ray of your ass to make sure.

It has a lot to do with a lot things. Tablets are`nt new either. Windows has been trying for the past decade!

I have made tons just doing that. Press the right button at the right time. One press on one button 2/3 years a go and you have quadrupled what ever you`ve put on the table. That was the whole work day for 2 years worth of money that will last 2 more years. On the day that President Obama was inaugurated until this

Who came with the first touch smartphone and changed everything?

3 billion people use sms texting with direct link to one another. Get twitter integrated into that and see what happens.

Society is always divided into 20% idiots,20% enlightened people and the rest in the middle, moving society forward as the idiots wither away (they always do). This is the dynamics of the world. We need these idiots to slow us down occasionally as to not move too fast. All these Apple haters belong in that category.

So you would rather buy a car that breaks down on the highway than get a bike that will take you to work everyday?

You mean like 80 % satisfaction rate alarming? For the last decade?

Fast does not mean better. Usually it means more bugs. The evidence speaks for itself.

What we need is a BS app that monitors everything said and checks it on the web. And then send that app to someone like Rush Limbaugh.

I read your name as Evil Blow-job Man. I kid, I kid.

A financial paper that is this dumb is not worth subscribing to.

What a rollercoaster ride. Shit hap.....