Fetch my soul!
Fetch my soul!
Can't wait to see this.... but instead of Tron, why don't critics give a shout out to the movie that it really resembles the most — "Dark City?"
@CoyoteMacho: it's called a J O K E
@MrGOH: Ha! thanks!
@Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib: I just want to see Edward's head on a stick!
@Binya: Actually I think that would make the episode even better. Vlad vs. thousands of screaming 13-yr-old girls.
Never say never...
They really need a Vlad vs. Edward the Vampire episode.
I REALLY wanted that to say David SPADE...
Bauhaus t-shirt + stoned + pom-poms? Hey, that's me!
You had me at Tennant!!!!
Teen Wolf and MILF vampires?!
Ya know, one of these days beavers are gonna reclaim their namesake from you gutterminded punks!
Finally SyFy gets it!
Hey! Where's my manga redneck Bobby!?
We also have a great feature today about the art of The Empire Strikes Back posters over at StarWars.com if any of you want to check it out!
Fingers crossed for Bangladeshi Avatar!
If only Russell Brand played Randy Smurf, I'd watch it.
What the Smurf?!
Look at the gears on that gal!