
if magnets erase credit cards, then how do magnetic money clips work? it may be magnet strength, but my money clip/wallet has a pretty strong magnet and my cards still work

i only clicked this article, because the title suggests paint cans grew skin if left out... i have been tricked

interesting idea, but can it be done with a hat that wouldn't make me look like a douche?

"In addition to desirable resonance qualities, these speakers weigh 150lbs!"

Genetically modified cats.... what could possibly go wrong??

soo, where's the study on what reality TV does to people?? spongebob should be the least of our worries....

i didn't realize planking was popular in the 30s?!

my faith in humanity is officially gone...

Where i'm from, we call this "The catcher's mit"

because everyone in the house wants to hear you channel surf... this is worse than motion controls...

i would be too lazy to punch the card!

great... now i need to buy a hole punch

seriously... who uses the word "durned" that isn't talking to a small child???

for iphone i use wifisms. it requires your phone to be jailbroken, but then again why would you not want to jailbreak right? wifisms is amazing

perhaps the ONLY good use of my droid 2's hardware keyboard

lol very nice

and nobody realised the glitch before this guy?? incomplete calls are inevitable, someone would have had to notice the double refund!

is it smart to add another device to my already cluttered entertainment center? who doesn't have a universal remote?

facetime is great, but is rarely used by most people. even if vzw were to somehow make this happen, apps like 3g unrestrictor can be installed to fool the phone into thinking the app is using wifi rather than 3g

i'm pretty sure nude is still nude whether you can see nip or not...