Thats exactly as many as ive seen!
Thats exactly as many as ive seen!
I like it, the lights are cool and different; the price seems correct for the type of vehicle so i voted in favor, but not being able to find body parts for replacement down the line is a no go
depends where you live, in NYC theyre charging me $620 for my Si vs. $330 if i moved 40mi North
I thought everyone knew that America doesn’t play with its money?
what a joke, that the cars are 2 years old means nothing if you cant work on em, i attend Auto Tech in Comm. College and sure, things break and shit happens, but everyone gets a crack at hands on. A business that wants to train techs/mechanics must control their asses and limit their classroom sizes but CAPITALISM...…
I dont understand why Cops reflex to pull the gun, like seriously nig9a, you going to shoot down this behemoth careening right into you? I dont get it, i thought they just shot at minorities now this?
warm tires grip the blacktop better; traction
my ‘13 Si has a rearview Camera, last week I was creeping out of my garage space which requires a 360 degree reverse u-turn, CREEPING! and this lady strolled her baby carriage within inches of my bumper, i barely had time to react but i did just tapping the Stroller causing no harm, she goes on a tangent and i’m…
ive been working on my life for 26 years, would kinda like to see it through
if the autonomous car hits someone on its own decision.. who gets charged for manslaughter? do they put the car down? send it to the auto-bot lot?
i dont think that in our lifetimes we will see the complete disintegration of man-driver vehicles on the road, perhaps they might limit driving in congested areas to just autonomous vehicles.
ah the 2003 black out, what a time to be alive
people are asshats i swear.
just get an AMG E-Wagen ;)
lol no man its not the banks fault! How could think that in this society where wealth is distributed so poorly that leaving an open vault would not cause temptation. Someone should redeem the bank, they clearly did everything to protect their investment
ur clearly trolling, go home Roger
hows about they reimburse me for the inflated yearly costs of operating this deathtrap... i mean give me the whole $1000 at leaaast, dont limit it to your deathstore
i like how you beat your chest but say nothing of value, maybe you left your house open, got robbed and now ur ass hurts, need a hug?
which is BS