
It shouldn't be that hard to make Erlich part of the group. Hes the guy that goes to get money. He could do that every week. If we see Gilfoyle and Dinesh coding and then getting in misadventures, Erlich could too with pitch meetings. But for whatever reason, they used him to kind of tie Big Head to the group. Or go

I would imagine they know that as well. Big mucky muck now working in insurance. I assumed the secret was just the deal he made about Erlich not sleeping with his fiancee. It's both sad and unethical.

I'm loving the Danny Egan Morning Show show and with they could expand it some more. His smarminess is put to great effect interviewing guests. There's all this inner delight that comes through when he discloses for transparency that he's had a relationship with Amy. Or asks who the aggressor was between Selina and

I love this show. But seeing Angela Bassett in this is jarring. She's such a great actress. It's like watching a bad 3d converted movie where only her character got processed.

A wizard did it.

50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, the sequel to 50 First Dates with another Drew Barrymore and Sandler vehicle to be released on Netflix.

"What's the matter? Never taken a shortcut before?"
Leaps over fence to deliver elbow to Paddy Considine on the other side.

If you get a lot of sketches, you're going to stay on the show. Especially when he's not a main cast member yet. Means youre valuable and the writers trust you. Hes done Anderson Cooper, Eric Trump, Joe Scarborough, Al Franken. Beck Bennett can't play all the white men of authority.

My one complaint for this series. Netflix only gives me three seconds to choose to watch the end credits before cycling to the next episode. Damn, Netflix. Calm down. Let me enjoy the music and see who's names I recognize. There's only ten episodes, I ain't in that big a hurry.

It's me Hot Dog. Just here to kill myself. Bu du du bu du. AAAUUUUGGGHH!!!!!!

Alegra raise the thermostat
It's already a hundred degrees in here
Are you trying to kill me

he also interacts with Kyle Mooney's Bruce Chandling comedian actor. And Cicely Strong. And Bobby Moynihans characters.

You're right. We live in age where people have no perspective and can so easily be swayed emotionally by an AVClub article. There are more people commenting in this thread than there were people named Kylo last year. Jesus, let's let some of this shit slide without comment. The faux exasperation is exasperating.

Why? Because 400 people in the entire united states were named Kylo? Or because we live in a world where people get outraged about the names of 400 people. This is a nation of 350 million people. You will never met a Kylo in your entire life.

I think few people act well on the show, family or not. Something about the dialogue. It all sounds read verbatim from the script, written as characters talking at each other instead of to them. Like an Eastwood movie where he rushes through too fast to let anyone get a better take.

Aziz is on a podcast with Bill Simmons that came out today. I haven't listened yet, so I cannot vouch for its quality. Just passing along.

The premiere didn't create any restlessness. But the second episode definitely made me daydream of chucking it all in. Commute to work seemed even more empty than usual.

And if you went to olive garden, you can imagine it scratches family get together off the list too.

It's not like you make friends one by one. The woman he works for has a relative his age and he got assimilated into her group of friends. Easy peasey.

She said she took a three hour train ride to get there. So you could pull out a map and a compass and make a circle with a radius representing 275 kilometers (or whatever). She must be in one of the major cities on that line.