Wishbone of Arc

Please don’t comment to people if you’re going to feel so threatened by their reply back, that you feel like you have to dismiss it. It’s pretty lame, and not what the dismiss button’s meant for.

I disagree with your implicit definitions of terms.


Indeed, we can all claim to be feminists, but actually being feminists is so tedious. Thank goodness that when we’re confronted with a woman who doesn’t meet our standards (e.g. she’s not ‘authentic’ enough), we’re released from the shackles of decency, and allowed to skip gleefully through the lush fields of misogyny

This is such a mean girl comment — figures it’s the one that Brown chooses to feature.

It’s a bit Moaning Myrtle-ish.

...I thought she looked better before she did all this surgery.

And people suck.

But I disagree that her gender is “ultimately the most important thing” guiding this conversation in particular.

Downplaying the gendered aspect of the comments on her appearance seems pretty disingenuous. Also:

I love all of these threads about her face. It’s definitely the right thing to criticize, because while she is racist and homophobic, ultimately the most important thing is that she’s a woman, and so we must always criticize her by referencing her appearance.


Where in her comment did Charmed imply that she thought token friends = friends without agency?

I didn’t comment on the video.

Ugh. Yup, noticed that.

bullet holes = a fellow billionaire hiring some of the dancers that were working with you on your hundred million dollar tour

Not Lively, but that movie with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock was filmed at my dad’s boss’ house, and he said Reynolds was a complete prick, and no one could stand him. Everyone adored Bullock and Betty White though. Not a direct source, and no specific anecdotes, but Reynolds always seems smug, so I believed it.

Now playing

If you’re ever looking for something to watch, Fighting Polish recommended this a while back, and it’s amazing.