Wishbone of Arc

ooooof. those end ones. haha. I followed them ^_^


I’ve narrowly dodged extreme embarrassment and now I’m regretting that, because I wish I had a good story for this.

ugghhhh, why are there so many different pickle juice threads you guys/gals?????

I want to hear more of your opinions please.

YESSS! god, everything you said, yes.

hahah. Those are actually really funny. I kind of like this account...? I’m not really one to follow, but is it wrong if I follow them?

i’m not coming at you, I’m coming at your comment. why do you have to make this post into an instance to compare women.

Finally. An internet commenter who DOES manage to wedge in a way to compare women.

hmm. Okay, well at least from the episodes I saw it was painfully obvious that these poor people were being duped. So, my conclusion is that he’s just a really dumb man who spent all of his money on video cameras and hipster clothes (and couldn’t splurge on a goddamn razor).

I watched some of the first season of that show, and it seems incredibly cruel. This guy pretends like it’s totally feasible that some beauty queen or celeb could be in love with a bro hunter in the mid west, with a pizza greased wardrobe, and hands callused from video games, whom she’s never met. I would chalk it up

I just watched a vid of him on youtube (cake or death) and he seems really likable and much smarter than Brand, though I didn’t laugh out loud at anything. More casual comedy, which, don’t get me wrong, is plenty enjoyable. I’ll have to watch some other stuff too.

The music in that hook sounds like something from a Game Boy game.

ughhhhhhh Russell Branddddd. He AS A HUMAN is ALWAYS off-putting, which ruins his comedy for me. I really want to like him too, because he’s friends with Noel Fielding, but no. Just no.

hee hee I know, but it sounded like shade & I’m just giving you a hard time for fun :)

yeeeesh “cute”... shade.


Right!? ugh, my parents are not so bright conservatives and even they choose the Globe over the Herald, knowing that the latter is trash.

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