Wishbone of Arc

that pic of a grammy next to the song about katy perry was the lowest fucking thing ever

i loved rekha!!

that's a straw man, and it's sort of bullshit that she's getting out of the criticism by calling it sexist

hey bro, just a tip — if you don't want to see people's opinions re: the subject of the post, then reading the comments section probably isn't the best choice for you to make

Let those taste buds flower!

ummm, so how does everyone hate candy corn?!?!?!?


ok, if it's purely superficial, then I'll allow it.

*twitches uncontrollably*


freE yourSElf from the coNSTRicting binds of Grammar Conformity (and possibly OCD) jpomonkey!

haha, ahhh. ok, so yeah sort of — like the sand on either side of her actual legs, i thought were legs.

yeah... idk, i feel like a weirdo

even though I made a joke of it, I don't see the problem with capitalizing every word

this is gonna sound weird, but I scrolled through really quickly at first, and totally thought it was a pic of a bit of a woman's anatomy...

well, they're both apparently proper nouns that begin with the same letter

ooooh. hmmm, ok.

I'm still not convinced that "Featurette" isn't just a shaming word we give to trailers to sexualize and objectify them.

"humblebrag fail"

So lots of shots showing how physically excruciating it is to be a robber then.