Wishbone of Arc

hey, you're visible!

I don't like being at a Dr. appointment and the Dr. is late... Lame

hey now, hey now: #notmydreams

i'm young i guess, but seeing ads that basically say: you should want to look like this teenager feels really fucking weird.


i'm straight, ya dick

i feel like the term 'girl crush' is often used by straight women to co-opt non-straight women's sexuality, and make it into something appealing to straight men. because ultimately, everything has to serve the straight male libido.

Stop hating a country song, country fans!!! You're ruining hating it for the rest of us!

I would be honored

failures? meh, I'll call it a tie

she's still gimmicky af — her schtick is: 1. using social media to make her fans think that if they met her irl, she'd be besties with them & 2. writing lyrical burn books, allowing her fans to figure out who she's shitting on, by giving them subtle very obvious clues

Jimmy Fallon, Taylor Swift, and The Pope are among the world's greatest leaders?



re: Renner

totally agree!

omg, i was going to comment on that — yes! that was amazing
i loved the political opinions they worked, e.g. the stuff on Israel

that was SO GREAT!


Oh shit is this wishbone THE BEST DOG EVER??