Wishbone of Arc

[insert hot yoga joke]

and i'm sure her life up until this point has been completely normal & she's had perfect impulse control & felt all the normal human feelings, like shame and remorse...

Now playing

grr. that movie/cast deserved a feature film budget


ha, yeah, as am I — I could be wrong

i'm pretty sure he's approved. i scrolled back up before i commented, and he'd posted in another thread above, and no one had starred or responded to his reply but he was ungrey. idk

yeah, but c'mon, the man can also appreciate a good butter cow!


yes as in you've seen the movie?! :D

haha, no, it's not wrong
tbh, I'd rather that than the Ayn Rand shit that plagues Cooper

happy birthday, dalila!! :)

haven't you heard, IV drips are the hottest new accessory

how the fuck are you an approved commenter

from wiki:

he's got that Bieber douche-face

didn't obama not pay off his student loans until like 2004 or something?

okay — ruffalo is the only one i agree with out of everyone that's been mentioned, but like still though, idk, he's a 9/11 truther :/

no, but I did cut and pasted a cat gif once and my paws (along with my soul) started burning

fair enough