Wishbone of Arc


nah, it's situation specific obviously, but I started flipping people off for cat calls and such when I was 21-ish. (which was a big deal because i'm quite shy)

I find this comment delightful. He's always struck me as quite smug. Plus I feel indignant about the fact that calls himself a feminist, and then goes and makes millions by participating in misogynistic projects, especially considering that he has a successful career, and thus has the choice of opting out of those

I mean, if they're into the sound of combusting appliances, then they'll love it

he must get why that's ... weird, right?

Now playing

aw shucks, 'twas hoping that this recent artistic expression would be included

Clarkson's voice has incredible range and tone, but I don't feel like it has emotional depth. I want to love her, but it doesn't sound like she's in the songs that she sings. Her voice is beautiful & gritty etc., but in a sort of...superficial way? :/ It leaves me feeling like I just ate empty carbs.

"[T]he placenta takes about ten minutes to properly transform from bloody chunks that get stuck in the blades to a liquid that tastes like 'a delivery room smells.'"

bro cat, meet basic bitch

thank you! :)

whenever I feel that way...

woah, haha, thank you :)


Slowly? Please. Enough is enough! I'm not going to be on the wrong side of history!!

having multiple courthouses = integral part of your economy. ok then


"I don't think our economy's doing all that well"

yeah, it is actually