Wishbone of Arc

"He is living a lie. He wants to experience the social benefits of the non-caring attitude that stubble conveys, while actually caring very much. He is, in his own way, just as fake as the middle-aged man who buys a leather jacket and a motorcycle to appear tough, or the insecure man who gets silicone muscle implants

His hair and eyelashes remind me of a Who:

hah, you said that you didn't want to age, and now you're talking about diet coke? Aren't sodium and especially caffeine aging? (b/c dehydration?)

...soooo ummm...on an unrelated note...anyone here a young virgin...?

"my phone is giving me early onset arthritis"

doesn't this post seemed sort of ... cannibalistic?

it's visible in your discussion tab and mine, but not in the main one.

nope. now neither of my posts are visible under the main "all replies tab," maybe jezebel blocked me or something? idk. whatever.

hey benjaminallover, sorry, I'm cutting&pasting my replying to you since whitemare dismissed me.

ugh, I flagged your replies and now you're ungrey. What a quandary; I suppose I'll respond.

hmm, a 1 year old with a chemist father...hmmm... think think think

I can't ungrey you, and I don't have a solution to that problem, but I can move you a tad farther up by responding at least :/

should we talk about how misogynistic every dude who says "I love women" is

ah, you're back! :D

No, I understand what you're saying, and I'm on your team regarding Disney being generally horrendous. But Disney will continue to dominate (and pull resources from better stories that could have been told, were it not for Disney), and so I think it's important to want them to slide in a positive direction along the

Asking when one of these stories will feature a non-white protagonist is not the same thing as/does not imply wanting Hollywood to continue making these stories.