Wishbone of Arc

Nobody can even imagine how free will would work in the physical world (is it the fourth dimension?!? lol) but the majority of philosophers still cling on to free will because the alternative is too scary for them to consider (ex. no moral responsibility).


ugh. i'm not going to read all of that

*head continues shaking*

That dress reminds me of the tunnel in Coraline.

ye ye, i've read stanley fish too, i don't need a summary

cowsharky — first your dismissive attitude towards the eternal battle between Team Dog and team cat, and now this!?

I agree with space_waitress, i think?

"You've succeeded admirably in making your argument both personal and emotional"

Michelle Obama: And what are you doing here...?

I am aware of everything you wrote & what I said stands.

aw, shucks. thank you :)

I mean, I'm sure it won't become that horrible, because this isn't Gawker (god, I'm so ashamed that I'm grey on here and not on there) blergh. anyways...

This thread is going to become really awful.

oh, shoot. I've weirdly never seen Forrest Gump, but I'll trust you.

agreed. and...


Is that an allusion to Hanks' great work, "Alan Bean Plus Four" that I spot?!

O.o I wikipedia'd him:

haha. yeah . . . i don't think my dad would be crazy about those long distance charges.
but if you're dad was a famous fuck up, would you tweet about his failure to answer the phone when you need him