
Or at the least, use purple shampoo to neutralize the yellow tones.

The woman may be educated, but, sheesh, she doesn’t sound very smart letting Mr. Check-Out-My Wiener back into the house.

WTH? I’m trying to star you and it deducts one??! I try it again...same thing. My sincerest apologies AV.

...a whole lot of pre-existing assholes in that photo.

The Omaha Republican mayoral candidate is a woman.

Hormones from eating too many chicken nuggets when she was a child.

Mine too; with some of them having the non-crimped claw bangs. Internally I refer to them as having “High School Hair.”

Bahaha, I saw these this morning...and only $95!

Yep. My mother told me to keep my stuff from the 70's; style history is usually on a 20-year cycle. I’m just praying the gargantuan shoulder pads and drop-waist dresses/tops don’t make another reappearance!

Oh Lord, yes, I couldn’t agree with you more! I will be attending a shower and then wedding and I’ve been looking online to purchase clothes for those occasions. I am of a certain age whereby the clothes offered tend to look so matronly, or they look like a circus tent.

Thank you. This spurred me to also make a donation even if I don’t live in Florida either. We need more individuals like her.

The ACLU reported $24 million in online donations since Saturday. And I just made mine.

Word salad with extra confusing croutons.

It sucked. I remember being in grade school and we would have drills for if (when) the USSR would bomb us; the drill being, you crawl under your desk, tuck you chin to your knees, lace your fingers together and put them over the top of your head. (!!)

Well said.


Is “fuccbois” pronounced as “f*ck-boys”?

Then don’t care and move along. No one asked you to. But you cared enough to make the comment that you don’t care.


I care.