Bolo Tie

Nice juxtaposition with Wellick's words about letting the victim know why he is being murdered crashing into a later scene with FBI agents being ambushed with assault rifles. A clueless coward gets rewarded (murdered) with respect but agents on the hot trail get snuffed out before even realizing what's happening.

Totally. Inquisitive was indicative of doom for Dom.

Yes! It'd be even worse. I'd probably run away when she offered ecstasy pills. Hahaha

I doubt that there's anything that can realistically demonstrate her strange behavior being any less strange in any given context but we'll see what they have in store for us. Also, I'd like to see how this mystery killer mutilates her body and allows Nas to sleep soundly without harming him or attempting to frame

Meh. It registered a B+ from me as well because, like the reviewer said, the girl was more of a plot device than a character (assuming more isn't revealed about her later).

My tipping point was the knife game. I'd be like "You know what? I left something in the car. I'll be right back." And then I'd bounce and forget I ever met that strange girl. It ain't worth it. I'd leave the cab, dry up my system at a nearby bar for a couple hours, and drive home in the morning.

Yeah after looking at that again I'm not sure if they got the joke and found it unfunny or completely missed it entirely due to differences of racial experience. That sounds like a ride at Disneyland : "But Mom! I AM tall enough to ride Racial Experience!"

Okay. :) Thanks for the clarification.

Ok. So the argument is men are stopping women from becoming professional film critics? Is there data to support this?

Is Rotten Tomatoes purposely blocking female critics from submitting their critiques/ratings onto the site? As long as there is equal opportunity for submission, I really don't see what the problem is.

Dump the holograms. Just blast the music through distorted speakers on an empty stage. People don't want to be entertained anymore. They want to show other people through social media that their acute case of FOMO has temporarily subsided.

Both your argument and mine had to deal with the average man and woman. You can find numerous examples of women physically assaulting other women. Look in any women's prison. When given testosterone, women become more aggressive, as I suggested, because the power differential between the sexes is evened out (but,

Women are not aggressors in the traditional sense because they've had to learn, early in their evolution, that their maximum capacity for physical strength would always be outmatched by the physical strength of their male counterparts. They've had to develop alternate skills in order to stand on equal footing with

More than anything I want to see Vaughn's TD audition tape. Or maybe they can release medical records of the casting director. That seems like a solid middle ground.

You in? Mac? Greg? or…how about you Pam?

"You're a Don Draper."
(burns photo of Hamm smiling and pointing to his genitals)
"So you can be my Don Draper."

Unfair! You still had a stick a bubble gum left.

"Hey, I saw you on TV the other day. You okay?"

Report: It's probably conclusive that Brady had maybe definitively known on a subconscious level that he was giving off the perception to his equipment handler that he yearned to have his footballs possibly deflated.

421st comment. I ruined 420. Wouldn't be the 1st time.