
It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

I’m 100% sure he is way more terrified of talking to a woman than stabbing a black man.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

That is not the song he is talking about, at all. That’s the Alessia Cara song currently on the radio. This is *James Blunt*’s hit song called Beautiful from the early aughts.

Before the talent...aka the kids who sit around and do nothing while “the help” set all this crap up for babies to come in and cry about every little thing. They should feel lucky they are even getting a tent, we shouldn’t glorify e-sports as all they are kids playing games and somehow getting paid better and more

Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

but ,,,,,,,,when i drive from ny to LA.,,,, it flat,,,,,,,,

But if she didn’t report it, it sends the message that the “Liberal Media” only reports on things that prove their own narrative. (I do think Maddow should have downplayed its value, or at least not hyped it up so much.)

“That normalcy was a lie, and it’s not coming back.”

My tax bill this past year was around 21% of my income. I make considerably less annually than he does in a day. Does that sound right to you?

Obama left the administration with zero scandals and a lot of amazing legislation despite GOP Obstructionism. The fact that they’re dismantling everything he’s done speaks volumes for all he’s done for the people of this country.

You have given this far more thought than he has.

It may be upside down, but it looks rightside up to Spicer when he stares down his nose at it.

Maybe Amash never missed a vote, but every vote was wrong.

did you see who we made president or

Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.

rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest it in their own healthcare.

Don’t forget, Trump says the leaks are happening but they also claims they’re non-existent leaks made up by the media. Schrodinger’s Leaks.

Annnnd...he had no problems with the leaks when they made Hillary and the DNC look bad. I guess he didn’t realize that leaks don’t always go one way.

Yup, Trump’s right. The real problem here is the leaks. Not the attorney general who lied under oath to get into office. Not the fact that this is the *second* person in Trump’s administration with dubious communications with Russia during Trump’s campaign. Nope. It’s not the conflicts of interest or the broken laws.