
I love you guys. Unabashedly.

It’s this weird thing that some people compartmentalize? I think that’s the word, damn I don’t know, it’s late and I’ve had wine, but it could be a case of his thinking that she wasn’t like “the others” ie the other blacks. hmp. Yep. That happens more often than you’d think. Stuck on a stereotype of an idea of what a

I do not want to seem to let Trump off the hook for the awfulness of his campaign by framing it entirely as a work of kayfabe. I am sure that, down in his little charcoal heart, he believes (as much as he is capable of believing anything other than that he should have what he wants) the vile shit he says; he surely is

I think what explains Donald Trump is that he has no sense of long term consequences for his actions or his statements. The book that took him from random real estate developer to pop culture reference was “The Art of the Deal,” not say, “The Art of the Stable, Viable Long Term, and Profitable Deal that Yields Steady

You’re reading a “... for Hillary” where this post does not include one. Donald Trump does not do anything for anyone who is not Donald Trump.

You said, “mano a mano”

you’re fucking kidding right? She is most likely drooling at the chance to debate real policy with Trump. You say Hillary is a liar as if she is the only politician in the history of the United States to ever lie. Give me a fucking break. Trump lies every god damn day about things he doesn’t even need to lie about.

Who told you about my doll collection and what is your current address and sleeping schedule?

Only a gold? I got a triple platinum medal in cheeseburger and a double double diamond lasagna because I am multiculturalist.

I spoke to two pro trump people this week and both are completely motivated by a hatred of hillary that borders on the pathological. When asked why they hate her the reply is that she is a liar. But they seem unconcerned that trump lies. It’s a very interesting bit of cognitive dissonance

Oh no, football and the debate on the same night. If only there was some magical device that could record them at the same time and I could watch both at my leisure, maybe even skipping commercials while I was at it. Sigh... such black magic doth not exist.

“No, I didn’t run for President. That was something people said because everyone loves Donald Trump. But believe me I never ran. I’d make the best President but I didn’t run for President” - Donald Trump, December 2016


The chickenhawk assumed the NFL would cover for him the way the FOX, CNN and MSNBC have for the last year.

But when Trump is Leader he’ll add a couple more days to the week so this never happens again.

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

I couldn’t help myself. This is my Best friend. His name is Linus, and he is ROTTEN as HELL. Love the little guy with all my heart.

My shleter rescue dog, Ranger. Got him 10 years ago. Aussie/Husky/Setter mix/ He is the best dog.

Agreed. Shelter mutts are the best.

I am not sure what breed she is, and I particularly do not care either, though the information is welcome. We just asked the size of her parents before we got her, so we would know if she will do well in our apartment, but other than that she is unknown and she still is adorable.