
I don’t think anyone’s arguing that the whole debacle was a financial loss on Konami’s part. But here’s the thing. They don’t seem to understand the difference between financial losses and any other type of loss. They treat people exclusively as assets and means to an end. They don’t give 2 shits about their employees

Delete your Kinja

If it makes people feel any better or have any hope for the future, years ago I was not such a believer in global warming. After witnessing changes in the ocean and glaciers around North America first hand I can reach no other conclusion that carbon dioxide is in excess, we are the cause and it has to change. So old

Crews is always so excited for stuff. He’s probably fun to hang out with.

I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

Thanks for this space. I’m having a really hard time with this. I just keep thinking about being in my early 20's and going to gay bars for the first time and feeling so elated to be in such a fun and SAFE feeling space, to really feel a sense of community and to be able to let loose in a way that normal spaces would

It’s a really, really mean kitty.

BTW: It was the MORmons. Yes, the MORmons were the correct answer

And what are you doing but righty agitprop? Here’s the difference, nobody will read you and your words are worthless.

Congrats, you just proved that conservatives do exactly the same. You win the net for total lack of self awareness.

You know Muhammad Ali was Muslim right? And you also know Muhammad Ali personally requested this speaker at his memorial right?

I have an ‘00 Lexus with 405k miles on it. Try as I might, it just won’t stop running.


Guaranteed he has a huge stash of interracial porn, and also uses the words ‘cuck’ and ‘white genocide’ when talking about diversity.

That recent story about the 1 mil. km Toyota that never needed anything but some oil change and other minor maintenance blew me right out of the water!

Holy shit. 30 mins ago, he just tweeted the n-word repeatedly in two different tweets in response to articles about his previous usage of the word. He also seems obsessed with the size of other men’s dicks, constantly accusing them of being small, so my guess is he basically has an innie.

How the hell does a Trollfessional get a job in the Government, much less understand the subtlety of the written word?

If you have to tell people how big your dick is it’s probably pretty small. People with actual big dicks are pretty modest, like me, I never tell people about how I have a big ol’ dick. It’s huge but you’d never know it cuz I’m so modest about it.

As a white male who isn’t good at anything or very smart, this guy proves that I’m really underachieving in life.