
The friction goes all the way back to the beginning, when Mike thought his name should be first.

Mike, obviously.

“That’s the last time any Warrior was stopped tonight.”

Someday we’re going to look back at headlines like “The Lakers get the chance to draft Lavar Ball’s son” and laugh and laugh and laugh.

This is the best outcome, really.

Rooting for the C’s to pick Ball and have his dad stonewall the deal

No tolerance for dirty players.

“Such a dirty play by Zaza!”

“more than half of us”

that’s precisely what makes nights like the one Harden had last night so frustrating to watch

Same thing that generally happens to most of D’Antoni’s teams. The coach only knows one system, and it tires players out. Works great for the regular season, but get into post-season and the legs just aren’t there anymore. Add to that Nene going out and Harden having to switch on to Gasol and Aldridge and you’ve

The only surprising thing here is that the fight between two guys named Kelly’O didn’t happen in Boston.

Hot take: he didn’t flop, he’s just soft.

“Hands up, don’t shoot”

Fox News is exactly like Donald Trump.

“Hey we’ve got Namath. Which blonde lady do you”

That is not what data nerds say about sustained crunch time stats in basketball.

He’s clearly saying something here, but I’m way too dumb to figure out what. Could you translate to non-Instagram?

Well that was completely necessary what with the threatening way he was standing perfectly still and all.

This is even more impressive when you realize the officer was unseeded.