
Yeah, it used to be considered normal to have roommates, no car or a crappy car, and be kinda broke when you're in your in your 20's. That's not to say the economy doesn't suck for recent graduates, but it certainly wasn't always some magical land of plenty in the past.

I'm the same way when it comes to leaving work behind when I go home. Maybe I'm just not that ambitious, but I value my time too damn much. I need those off hours to be with the people I love, and to pursue the things that satisfy me; otherwise, I'd just lose my mind. I obviously don't mind working extra hours when

Newsflash for 20-somethings: Back in the day, which so many of you believe was a wonderland of ease and cash, young college graduates lived paycheck to paycheck. We assumed that was normal, because it was.

Not a single mention of shift work, either. Not everybody works a 9 to 5 or even a 7 to 3! Shift work is supposed to be one of the most detrimental factors to sleep...

See, I think was thinking it's more like, "I can't sleep because I'm a workaholic and think I need to make my first million at 30" vs. "I can't sleep because I have 3 jobs and still can't pay my bills etc." It seems like all of the examples listed were of women who were striving to be at the top of their field. And

It's "I can't sleep because I am trying to climb my way to the top and out of this shithole studio I share with 2 other girls" vs. "I can't sleep because I have to be up at 4:00AM to catch the bus to get to my job that pays $8/hr and then get my kids from school before I go to the second job just so we can have heat

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, with some of these comments here I have never been so self-concious about my stupid dorito-shaped thigh gap before.

YEH it's over-photoshopped but the whole "thin at top, thick in the middle, thins out to the bottom" thing isn't like, made up. It's a shape. A shape that women have.

Can we

Here are some reasons to be on skid row at night: buy drugs. End of list.

Speaking of which, I had an argument with my sister today about GMOs and the supposed need for labeling (this began because my sister declared, "My roommate is no longer eating foods with any chemicals in it," and I pointed out how absolutely asinine that statement is). I argued that, as in Europe, people would

I always ask people who tell me this what toxins they are detoxing. No one ever knows. "Just TOXINS....You know! from the CHEMICALS!" Any questioning beyond that point gets me blank stares or suspicious looks, as if my questions are also chemicals made out of toxins from space.

I believe in this really crazy theory that the government actually has no agenda when it comes to controlling people via drugs and medication. Not because I think they're above that, but because I know that enough of the elected officials are too stupid to make it happen on the scale that would be necessary to pull it

That is hands down the worst instruction I have seen in a workout video. Were are her back-up dancers to act out the moves while she is laying it all out? How am I supposed to keep up with 23984387585384 dance steps? Is she making this up as she goes along?

It's a "high calorie workout."
Shouldn't it taste better?

As a person who has taken a shit-ton of dance classes in her day and also loves Zumba (including the "Timber" dance), what the ever-loving-fuck is this? TA is just trolling us at this point.

God no. I lost weight through diet but it was wasn't noticeable until I started working out and the overall package of my body shrank. I hated the comments. HATED THEM. They made me feel horrible about how I looked before and made me wonder what people really thought of me. I think the only time it is

I get that autism would be very difficult for the parent and presumably the child. (But sometimes I wonder if maybe it's harder on the parents? I have no idea and no business making that presumption, but there it is.) Today there is so much more known about spectrum disorders and there are resources available to help

Ehhh, I would be careful trying to define "good" or "bad" reasons someone commits suicide. If someone who is prone to depression or suicidal ideation gets into a years long relationship with a person who breaks her trust, it could put her just over the edge. I'm not saying that's what happened, but for a person who


They will all appear on ASOS soon, I'm sure.

I have no real problem with this woman and how she lives her life and even if she wants to motivate others to get fit, but the no excuses thing is just dumb. My "excuse" would be that... I just don't feel the need to look like a fitness model. I prioritize exercise and health, to a reasonable degree, because I want