But why would you possibly want to be friends with a woman (if she's attractive), lol?
But why would you possibly want to be friends with a woman (if she's attractive), lol?
Hmmm... the term doesn't seem like the best to me. But not coming up with anything better.
I don't think you understood my point. Honestly, in a conversation about childhood obesity, organic/nonorganic shouldn't even be part of the conversation. It muddies that waters because it doesn't really affect obesity. Once we can get shit set up so people can afford (in both money and time) to eat conventional…
Let's not conflate healthy food with organic food, especially in the childhood obesity discussion. Organic/non-organic really has no bearing. (And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding bitchy, but I assure you that's not the intention): If the probably-college-educated author of this piece can't…
The Catholic church is never going to get there, sexy new-age Jesuit pope or no. But, "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" is more than just a motto. Catholic Lite is the way to go.
I don't want to be a pedant, but I don't think it is right to describe his attitudes as "hip." His focus (on helping the unfortunate and love) is a lot more traditional than that of the people who think Christianity is about abortion and gay marriage.
I'm deeply amused by this. The process of sorority colonization on a campus is byzantine, requiring several years and a lot of money. You can't just make a "sorority," name it after an existing organization, and start wearing their letters like you've been initiated.
Weekly photo shoots? Manditory socializing with Amherst? Wearing pink? Gah!
Non-straight girls are just as adept at baking and photoshoots and whatever else this girl thinks the school needs more of. Why can't it just be a lilly pulitzer cupcake social group sorority whatever that allows everyone in...and then when there are parties with the Amherst frat boys, I suspect lesbian members…
How can she make a DG sorority for just straight girls when it is a national organization?
And really, an article about a woman being slut-shamed for a hickey is not the appropriate place to be sharing your personal opinions on whether or not hickeys are "tasteful" or "adult" or whatever the fuck.
God, the number of people commenting that hickeys are gross/abusive/juvenile is really depressing.
Do you have an alternative you'd like to propose that's similarly catchy and specific? Because, I quite like that Jezebel doesn't normally sound like a Women's Studies lecture.
But... some of us still enjoy having our necks sucked on. I just use the penny trick.
Yes! Donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds and/or volunteer with abortion fund hotlines, folks who want to do more. It really is needed.
Sometimes I wish Jez would provide a few resources with posts like these.
I would entertain the idea that while Chen maybe never said to herself, "I look too Chinese and I'll never be successful," she may have said to herself, "My eyes are too small and I'll never be successful." Same goes for women who get the "ethnic bump" taken out of their noses.
What perfume was this for?
She's just... a bad, vapid writer who deals in tropes that are recognizable to the New York white twentysomething woman with a Master's.