
I remind myself from time to time that both Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson were both willing to shimmy into sleeveless V-necked dresses and to tolerate the toxic environment at FOX as long as they agreed to sling verbal darts at any and all political figures whom Fix wanted to defeat.

“prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.”

“Both Sides Today w/ Megyn Kelly”

“TV shows... are they making your kids gay? We’ll take a deep dive into sitcom sexuality when we come back...”

Nothing too profound to say here other than that this is really, really, *really* gonna suck.

They’d just stick another gorsuch in there

When it happened, I said “Oh!” out loud, and then I started crying. It was crushing to realize that we were just watching her comfort mechanism tell the story the whole time.

It is crazy at how an animated show handles real life scenarios and allows you to personally connect with a drawing better than shows with actual human actors. Idk maybe it is because animated shows require everyone developing it to be so involved and aware of what they are doing. A lot of their jokes have this

I don’t watch this show, but the realness of this scenario choked me up. Sixteen years ago my daughter was stillborn at full-term and some of my most comforting “memories” are the moments where I am feeling broken by the loss and I put her back into my narrative. I see her in the passenger seat of my car as I drive,

Even as a guy that episode was devastating. I felt bad for everyone involved in that episode.

Yeah, that part really got me in the end too. In the beginning, her future descendant is comforting the viewer too - we all think everything will be okay because we see the “proof.” But in the end, our hopes and beliefs are just as crushed as Princess Carolyn’s are.

Goat Todd was one of the only things helping me keep it together during that episode.

The restaurant “Miss Carry” puns really hit home. Becasue that’s what it was like, these little things, people’s unrelated comments, that just dug into your loss in ways no one else knew was possible.

These are the moments that keep me watching the show - the heartfelt ruminations on the human condition. I find the show’s humor unremarkable and often poorly written, but then PC’s miscarriage or Bojack being confronted by his terminal former partner bring me back in.

There are so many little things to catch in each Bojack episode. I think it’s brilliant.

I feeel like Ryan would just send a PA to buy everything in the Ethan Allen showroom and reassemble it it in his home down to the color coordinated paintings to match the throw pillows on the couch. He doesn’t seem to have a personality or any style 

His apartment is in his mother’s basement, but it has it’s own entrance so it’s cool.

I don’t think the commenter was questioning Seacrest’s net worth. It’s his taste level I doubt could keep up with Andy’s.

You know Ryan Seacrest is worth several hundred million dollars, right? I’m sure his “apartment” is just fine.

I worry about both of them. I personally think that appearing on the show at such a young age really messed up the Jenner girls especially Kylie.