
“Praise-be-Jesus” has got to be their safe word.

The difference is whether you’re doing BDSM for Satan or for Jesus.

Why anyone would prefer Netflix and wine when they could be kidnapped, slapped, punched, choked, and “blasted” is beyond me!

Mmmm that sounds SO good.

“For two hours they allegedly slapped, punched, choked, and “blasted” him”

If that were true, this article would not exist.

Women continue to be unsurprised and not give a fuck.

“Suffice it to say that I think it’s immensely, immensely and morally wrong how much money we have gotten as opposed to the money, love, kindness that has been given to that little girl.”

With men being so emotional, hormonal, and irrational like this, they really shouldn’t be allowed to hold office. They can’t be trusted to make decisions, you know!

That is absolutely true - the wives have nowhere to go, so are stuck. I see it with my in-laws. The were an arranged marriage. His job had him away for months at a time working in the open-ocean shipping industry, and was only home for a month and gone again (all my wife’s siblings birthdays are around the same time

Given that women are expected to “leave their families” in a manner of speaking, pretty sure if she isn’t well off in some capacity, she has little recourse for divorce.

Actually, perhaps you can make your point of view more clear. From what you say, you were angry at your Mom for daring to think she could do better than your father. She wanted to leave him so she did. You’re failing to see her as a person with her own agency. She does not exist for you. Perhaps there are other

Exactly. I also do not understand why high divorce stats are automatically seen as a bad thing; people are exercising their choices and disengaging from something that doesn’t work any more. The fact that it’s automatically thought to be a negative thing is itself emblematic of authoritarian, patriarchal thinking.

I read a great quote about how the rate of divorce reflects the freedom women possess. High rates of divorce mean more freedom because it shows women not only have the power to choose to leave a bad marriage, but also know that they will be able to support themselves financially without a husband. Low rates of divorce

I just read an article in nat geo about widows worldwide. India got a big mention as they’re almost completely cast aside from society. I wonder how much different it would be for divorced women :/

Exactly. Another example of correlation not causation.

My mother was an American Catholic born in 1938. Not really all that long ago. She didn’t divorce my father though they were completely miserable and he had hit her more than once until the 90s. Her entire life was compromised by that marriage. She wasn’t freed until her 50s. That’s the United States. I can only

My in-laws are Greek and fall somewhere between European and Middle Eastern in terms of culture. My MIL was in town this week and we were talking about divorce and her opinion is that “women don’t try hard enough to hold their marriages together these days” and that’s why people are getting divorced more often. I

Years ago I read a very interesting article profiling a couple who were in an arranged marriage and their sadness about not being in love with each other. They both mourned the loss of opportunity to truly want someone and truly be wanted. They had children together, they cared for each other, but after several years

I completely agree with this. My parents are from India and did not have an arranged marriage, but I’ve noticed that people tend to stay in arranged marriages even if they are miserable. If you are traditional enough to get an arranged marriage, often times you do not want to deal with the stigma of getting a divorce