
I think they are one of the only ones on HGTV to never feature any gay couples on the show. I know that the show is located in Waco, Tx, but I’m sure there are gay people there. Either way, I agree with you. Just come out and say “yes, we believe in what the Bible says about homosexuality (which isn’t much), or “yes

I came here specifically to say this lawsuit seemed like an expedition into the wilderness.

After the election I was wondering how House of Cards would stay relevant, given that our current reality is crazier than anything I’ve seen yet on that show.

Oh man. That was my entire takeaway on this story. What? Two famous explorers with a notoriously difficult relationship were partners with this guy? AMAZING!

The anti LGBT thing pissed me off, especially when neither of them would come out an say either ‘we go to this church, but do not agree with that aspect of its teachings’ or ‘we go to this church and this is what we believe’. Either way, they should own their beliefs, though I have a feeling they keep quiet because

She tells him that she’s leaving him, and walks out of the White House residence. It’s left vague whether she’s going to run against him for president, I think.

First time for everything.

Thanks for introducing me to that poem- that opening paragraph is so good, albeit a bit chilling.

“Our goal is to facilitate positive discussion among solution-oriented people who believe in the power of sharing ideas and personal connections.”

Thank you for this.

Nice to know getting property rezoned is the same BS the world over.

“Basement under the orangery” or British code for “bomb shelter for when the moldy orange American wanker president blows up the world?”

Correct, world, humanity is loosing it’s substance. We are world of autotune.

That’s just locker room talk.

The people who voted for Trump don’t have the first clue what “Brexit” is.

Most Americans don’t know what Brexit is.

I still shake my head that Brexit was not enough for Americans to run screaming away from 45.

Anyone else think ^^^that^^^ is why he got an invite?

It’s always so sad to hear something like this. Child actors almost never have the chance to live a long life.

I don’t know. That Trump is pretty selective about who gets to meet him. Did he at least write a song about the rape?