
maybe trying to be involved in politics IS a part of his life outside the movies. maybe being an engaged citizen, using available platforms, is important to him. not to mention, he doesn’t owe you jack shit. his life outside the movies - you know, the part you really do NOT have any right to - is his to live as he

you are aware there are different types of ‘sucking’, right? just because many, many facets of life are better doesn’t mean that there are NOT many, many facets of life that are still bad/bad in different ways. as an example, as a woman in the u.s., i’d argue things are trending downward/backward and that sucks.

at least i know it wasn’t just me.

an expansion on the lbj quote - “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

what a great joke. ha, ha, funny.

the mental image of her ‘friends’ helping her dress has me smiling, ear to ear.

+1 please, sir, may i have some more?

you are spot on. i loathe megan but not because of what she wears. jezebel used to not be (so much) about the petty bullshit. but between this and the absolutely ridiculous beyonce ‘piece’....

hate to break it to ya but whaling is also correct. 

fuck you, shoresy

apparently, ‘whaling’ is correct. today i learned.

or Junebug

or Junebug, in which she was heart breakingly good.

hopelessly late to the party but you, good sir, are why i kinja.

and, yet again, user name checks out.

thank you. this is SUPREMELY fucked up. if it were a ‘men’s’ website talking about fuckable women..... as a woman, i expect better from a feminist website. but jez does glorify the kardashians, so it’s partly my own fault.

your ‘opinion’ can stay the fuck out of my bodily autonomy. if you don’t understand this, then you’re a moron who should be first inline at the clinic so you don’t breed more morons.

we saw dany’s descent, though. from season 2. when she said, outright, she was going to take what was hers through fire and blood. she consistently made remarks like this...for 8 seasons.

it’s not a consolation prize within the fucking context of the show. pay attention. cersei was a horrible narcissist from day fucking 1. utterly incapable of empathy or love. her last words weren’t about her children or even her mirror reflection male but of herself. ‘i don’t want to die like this. don’t let me die.’

as a woman, i can confirm you are wrong. so, so, so wrong....fuck you.