Photo #1 shows owner’s perfect grasp of BMW parking procedure.
Photo #1 shows owner’s perfect grasp of BMW parking procedure.
If you don’t know 18-year-old Koyama Miki (小山美姫), you’re far from alone, but it’s definitely ignorance you should…
Senpai just noticed you, how do you feel?
Good lord, don’t show me stuff like this. I’m not strong enough.
I completely debadged my Lamborghini.
Dear sir;
Everybody better love my Photoshop’d graphic! It took way too long.
I don’t think anybody caught your sarcasm.
Pushing 90 mph?? WTF was that cop thinki-
This. I’m the only idiot allowed to work on my car.
1st Gear = Nissan
Hey, my FiST hasn’t broken in a year!
...though it does make some strange sqeaking noises, and the side aero pieces are starting to develop an alarming gap to the rest of the body. But that’s just details.
An autonomous minivan - Check
First off, NP. Pretty decent car for not allot of cash.
$4,500 less in student loans today is like $10,000 in beer in 7 years. Warren Buffett taught me that. Rule of sevens, including don’t drink anything below 7% ABV.
Review tracks! People review cars all the time, but don’t give a crap about the tracks they review those cars onto. So a track review and a complete “How To” would be very interesting given your experience. Maybe a tutorial video to go along in a street-ish car with more regular tires to complete the write up? (slicks…
Me: “AppleCar, please don’t drive so slow”