
If the policeman suspected the vehicle was stolen and called a wrecker to take the vehicle to the police lock up, I would agree.  But the policeman knew who owned the vehicle and decided to penalize an innocent party.  Obviously, campaign contributions keep the dealership free from any penalties for breaking the law.

A deceptive Tesla stunt? Never.

A lot of denials from the dealer that fucked up. I don’t know if this is a reoccurring issue or not, but it seems like if the dealer had offered to correct the problem properly for the customer we wouldn’t be hearing about it. So I’m going to go ahead and believe that a dealer in Texas has been playing fast and loose

At this point, you’re a complete fool if you believe a word that man says.

He’s confusing automobile autonomy with body autonomy.

If they have internet service to sign up for the promotion that is only available online, why do they need 30 days of free internet from Musk?

This comment sounds like AI drivel?

It’s scuzzy to say they’re doing something to help with an emergency and then not really offer much in the way of delivering. StarLink hardware is expensive and it will be next to impossible to deliver the hardware to the areas most impacted. Thanks for nothing.

This critique seems to be lacking in hypothesis and resolution. There are some elements that suggest that this is not in fact a critique but a bad faith argument in defense of Musk and his grift.

I can’t fault a company for needing to charge for hardware”

The man is worth over $200 billion. He could give away dozens or hundreds activated units to every community impacted for shared use and it wouldn’t even make a dent on his pocket change.

If it’s Elon, it’s always a grift, all the moreso if he can grift desperate struggling people.

Muskrat doesn’t understand that you can’t just jump in a helicopter and fly it wherever you want all willy-nilly. This is doubly true in disaster zones where there’s a lot of emergency responders working in the airspace. Muskrat isn’t being denied anything or singled out, he’s just being told to follow the rules like

We bought Musk’s truck to use to teach kids not to use drugs, the exact opposite of what Musk does!

No such picture exists.  He is an unhinged lunatic, so all pics of him make him look like an unhinged lunatic.

If they could have, I’d bet those cops would have jumped out of their car and immediately cuffed the lifeless bodies and started shouting at them to stop resisting.

This has been a lazy Trump campaign strategy for a while. The campaign just makes signs/shirts/swag that say “[insert group] for Trump” without any actual organic group organizing in support of him. They then hand these out at rallies and other events. That’s why you get white guys holding “Blacks for Trump” posters. R

However, their presence was enough to lead Vance to call himself an “ally” of the auto industry while on stage, adding that, should Trump win in November, the administration will throw its support behind the American auto industry.

This wasn’t even a police chase, makes this even more senseless.