It’s ugly as sin, but at least it isn’t a Cybercrap.
It’s ugly as sin, but at least it isn’t a Cybercrap.
I like the sound of that!
Honda Civic hatchback
Right, which is why it’s useful in a school zone. Ultimately, our roads need to be redesigned, but as a stop-gap measure cameras can be helpful.
You may not think they do anything, but they actually do reduce speeding.
I’m surprised the semi wasn’t over in one of the left lanes like so many of them seem to like to do these days.
“When Democrats get what they want, the wealthy pay more in taxes. When Republicans get what they want, people literally die.”
Saying it looks like a Civic is an insult to the Civic.
No government agency should be using taxpayer money to support that POS.
“Obviously, this was a car accident.” Umm, no, it was not an accident. It was completely preventable. What a buffoon.
Well, no car is good for the planet. EVs obviously produce fewer “tailpipe” emissions over their lifetime, though.
This guy should never be allowed to drive ever again.
It’s wild how anyone acted like Elon would be the earth’s savior when all he’s doing is helping destroy it.
“No matter how badly Amazon treats its workers, we all keep shopping there.”
Any thought of Elon caring about the climate should’ve been extinguished when he started a rocket company that spews tons and tons of garbage into the air.
It looks pretty sweet. It’s also surprising how flat it stays in the slalom, though apparently at the cost of comfort.
$6k+ more than it started at and they made the A/C controls worse...that’s lame.
I wish the modern Charger was only ever an EV as it seems to be a requirement to buy an extremely obnoxious exhaust and rev it up at every single opportunity around people with the current one.
I find these quite easy to use. Would it save space to have a column shifter? Of course! But there’s nothing difficult about this kind of shifter.
Or maybe they were on something since they crashed the way they did in the first place...