
No matter how badly Amazon treats its workers, we all keep shopping there.”

Any thought of Elon caring about the climate should’ve been extinguished when he started a rocket company that spews tons and tons of garbage into the air.

It looks pretty sweet. It’s also surprising how flat it stays in the slalom, though apparently at the cost of comfort.

$6k+ more than it started at and they made the A/C controls worse...that’s lame.

I wish the modern Charger was only ever an EV as it seems to be a requirement to buy an extremely obnoxious exhaust and rev it up at every single opportunity around people with the current one.

I find these quite easy to use. Would it save space to have a column shifter? Of course! But there’s nothing difficult about this kind of shifter.

Or maybe they were on something since they crashed the way they did in the first place...

Fireworks should be a thing of the past. They’re terrible for pets, those with PTSD, and the environment/wildlife.

I’ve found them to be quite accurate when the car is moving.

Some have heat pumps which are much more efficient than resistive heaters. 

That is insanely depressing.

GasBuddy’s data is mostly user provided. I’ve personally found it to generally be accurate.

It’s dying because BMW isn’t going to continue making the Z4. What a dumb article. 

Heck yeah!

Just another reason why Spotify is a garbage company...

The difference is my Zune still works and it’s awesome!

Non-native honey bees are not a good thing! They threaten the health of and compete with our native bees.

Actually, wasps are awesome. They help control pests and they’re pollinators. Plus, honey bees aren’t native to the U.S. and threaten our native bees which are actually more efficient pollinators for things like blueberries.

Why is the government giving this company money?

These are definitely a symptom of terminal car-brain, and they’re absolutely disgusting.