If Texas wants people to stop dying the only solution is to actually design the roads with safety in mind and enforce appropriate speeds in cities. And give people safer forms of transportation.
If Texas wants people to stop dying the only solution is to actually design the roads with safety in mind and enforce appropriate speeds in cities. And give people safer forms of transportation.
I haven’t been in a ton of rideshares, but the worst was probably the Tesla Model 3 driver that thought it was necessary to gun it after every stop. This was in London so it was a lot of accelerating and decelerating.
If only they had a door keypad like most Fords have...
As long as they don’t allow any other vehicles to be sold that emit above 160 g/km).
It’s bad enough that the U.S. is so reliant on cars to get anywhere. The fact that everything is getting bigger and much more expensive on average just makes it that much worse. But maybe it will convince some people to get around without a car and it will drive more funding into things other than widening roads to a…
Not surprising at all. That money would be so much better spent on subsidizing something like e-bikes, which are an actual form of sustainable transportation.
Not the current generation.
My mom’s ‘22 Explorer’s transmission is terrible as well. I mean, it’s not dangerous, but it’s so incredibly unrefined. It’s hard to brake to a stop smoothly because of how abrupt the downshifts are. And recently we were in the mountains and I put it in sport mode so it wouldn’t lug so much and it was doing all these…
Well, I guess that didn’t post, but just imagine a Hummer EV running over children.
And then for 2023:
The blue and red and nice.
I feel I live in a very insane world when a truck is $60-100k and people are actually buying it. Add that onto the fact that most truck buyers just use them to commute.
Why is NS the one doing anything? They should be footing the bill for an independent source to do the testing and cleanup.
I recently got an e-bike and I’m starting to replace car trips with it despite not being super close to anything. It’s a lot of fun!
E-bikes are actually more efficient than regular bikes. Either one is great, though.
If it were the U.S. he probably would’ve died since it would’ve been a lifted pickup truck or a Suburban that hit him.
Not that it makes a huge difference in this comparison, but where is the average cost for an oil change on a Corolla $104? Local places around here charge about $40-50 for a typical SUV with conventional oil.
Classic Ronnie...
Most people don’t have 22 mile commutes. And 52% of car trips are 3 miles or less. The point isn’t to get every single person out of their car, it’s to make it so people don’t have to rely on cars to get literally anywhere through better infrastructure, smarter zoning, and better mass transit.
I seriously don’t understand why we (rightfully) have crash safety regulations for cars and what not and yet we allow companies to experiment with “self-driving” tech on roads with actual people.