
“You can’t compost meat btw”

I’m impressed...with how ugly they are. Look at how comically high the belt-line is. Jesus...

My concern with carbon fiber is that after its useful lifespan is over it goes into a landfill.

I’m actually from and live in Georgia, but my mom is originally from Ontario and we go there every year to visit family. I like visiting, though I’m not a big fan of the cold. :P

It’s a shame it’s so hard on the eyes and that screen is possibly the worst implementation I’ve ever seen.

It looks fine to me - I just don’t care for the dumb name.

The grocery store organic milk here is about $6 a gallon, though we get raw, grassfed milk for $8 a gallon from a local farmer.

Why do you keep calling it an electric CX-5? It really does not look like one, unfortunately.

What a sad state modern society is in...

Organic milk in Canada is like $12 CAD or $9 USD for a gallon, which is insane.

I guess my definition of gorgeous is a little different. The Mazda 6 is gorgeous. This...this is “special”.

They should’ve just said “f it” and made a wagon.

This is like something out of Idiocracy. The fact that people are going so crazy over a garbage fast food sandwich is disturbing and rather telling of modern society.

A new Flex on the same platform as the new Explorer would be awesome, but with only 20k in sales they would be crazy to do so. It’s just a shame people have such boring and irrational taste in cars.

Cool, I’ll have to check that out!

I’m not too surpised, though I am disappointed with the new Explorer launch. The previous Explorer (2011-2019) launch was pretty bad as well, and problems plagued it through that whole generation run as well.

Same here. It’s amazing how cheaply most new houses are made, but no one seems to care...

“Some of this is done in the name of aesthetic, but it’s mostly to fulfill safety standards.”

Wow, that is ugly.

This is probably the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen.